work lunches

edited October 2013 in Pregnant
I need suggestions/ideas for packing my lunch. I usually have a pb&j sandwich, fruit and a bag of baked lays. In addition to it getting boring, it's also no longer keeping me full long.
I hardly ever eat left overs so that's not a suggestion.


  • Chicken salad, tuna salad. Fresh fruit and raw veggies. Pasta salad. The salads you can make in advance
  • I used to love to pack different kind of salads and sandwiches. I pack my husband stuff the night before that way I'm wide awake and can get nice and creative and try my best for it to be healthy. You can make some hard boiled eggs, if you have microwave do soup, quiche. For snacks if things aren't filling you up do nuts and dry fruite :)
  • I make up baggies of snacks, fruits and veggies for the week that way we can just grab and go. I do apple slices, grapes or other easy pack fruits. Celery, carrots and sugar snap peas keep well. You can get those jiff to go peanut butter cups. Wal mart has hummus and pretzel packs for cheap. 100 calories snacks are great for sweet or salty cravings. If you have a microwave then soup cups or TV dinners are an easy grab. Like today my lunch was a lean cuisine pizza, a Baggie of celery and snap peas, a plum, 100cal bag of cheese it's, 100cal bag chips ahoy, a bottle of water and a juice box. It took me less than 2 minutes to throw it all in my lunch box with some blue ice packs and it checks all my nutritional boxes.
  • You can mix it up too. Yesterday I had a can of soup, pretzels and hummus, 100cal brownie bites, a bag of carrots and celery and some strawberries.
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