Mostly talking to them....moving their legs like bicycle, walking around and showing them things to look at on the wall or out the window, etc., peek a boo, very lightly bouncing on your leg or the bed.
All the things @wilsomom said don't worry you won't hurt him I'm sure your very gental. And you can play some fun baby music in the background sign to him with cute faces, clap just have fun. His just starting out learning what's around him they are intertained by the simplest things its amazing. You can get fun object for example something shiny hold it close to him, move it around slowely he will watch you and the object forever and good for them
When my son was your son's age, I would lay him in bed and I would sing to him and count his fingers and toes. I would (and still do) kiss the bottom of his feet and then tell him "eeeewwww stinky!" and now he knows so he giggles. But mostly, I would just hold him close and talk to him or sing to him. It helped him start focusing his eyes a little better too.
@perly: I have been doing that too minus the stinky feet part. His eyes are focusing are good too. He'll stare at me for a while and try to follow my voice.
Mostly Spanish songs lol. I need to speak a little more English cause i want him to be bilingual. And you can tell that i only speak Spanish to him because my MIL & SIL speak English to him and he doesn't pay attention but when they speak Spanish he turns to see who's taking.
Lol, i know. Im just so used to speaking Spanish cause that's always been my first language. Thank God im very fluent with both languages, but i need to apply that to my son lol.
@perky I speak mostly Spanish to my boys too, even though I am much better at English, speaking Spanish to them comes more natural to me for some reason! But don't worry, he'll learn. I knew ZERO English when I started Kindergarten and they taught me there in less than a year, now my Spanish kinda sucks lol
@veevee you can try that or find Spanish cartoons lol. My niece learned English by watching Dora lol.