Go away postpartum bleeding!

edited October 2013 in Postpartum Health
One of the things I hate about postpartum is the bleeding I really wish it would stop. It feels like a nonstop period. I mean I don't bleed every single dayand the bleeding is very on and off. some days I don't pre are all is just a light discharge and I can go on for a few days and once I think I'm good BAM there goes the blood again.

I'm 3w1d pp. I had an episiotomy and a 2nd degree tear and 19 stitches. I still feel a little pressure only because I have yet to relax since I left the hospital. I do notice on days I don't do much I feel better but stuff needs to get done.

Please tell me its a little at the end of the tunnel. When did you ladies stop bleeding and stopped feeling pressure and when did you heal?


  • I bled for almost 5 weeks, then got on the depo shot and bled for 6 months straight! I was healed up by my 6 week appointment, wait until you have sex for the first time, I was close to having anxiety attacks just thinking about it lol
  • @Kimberly4411: Lol. Sex is the furtherest thing from my mind. I hope by my 6 week appointment I'm healed.
  • 5 weeks with my first, 2 weeks with my second
  • Well everyone is different hopefully it stops soon. But that's a lot of stitches so a lot is healing for sure. I didn't have single tear therefore no single stitch or nothing so I was pretty much done bleeding when I got home from the hospital. And was having sex after exactly week of giving birth. For me it was uncomfortable at first but then was totally fine. And I was back to my regular work out routine after week. In your case you gotta try your best to take it easy it will heal faster that way.
  • I'm 2weeks 1day post partum and its the same on and off
  • @sands3: I hope I heal that soon.

    @jules: I know for him to have been so little he tore me a good one. I have been taking it easy here lately with my mom helping me out more. I'm still having a hard time with SO.

    @2girls_2boys: I know your pain.
  • Ya thats crazy cause my daughter was 7 pounds and I'm only 4ft10in so I'm petite and she was average. But it just depends on how your hips are and the ability of everything to stretch that's why I drink my red raspberry leaf tea many told me it helped them with elasticity so I drank it with her and doing it again this time hopefully I can go without tearing again but that be a lot to ask for lol...I hope you heal soon!
  • I had c sections so that might be why it was so short
  • I bled for a couple days. But I would of taken bleeding over the stitch that got infected...then the uti...then the yeast infection. My vagina was a (not so) hot mess for like two months.
  • @natashalynn: I'm sorry to hear that. I have been using my peribottle and dermaplast spray to keep myself clean after showers and wipe downs to avoid infections. My vagina looks somewhat normal minus the swelling.

    @sands3: Oh okay.

    @jules: As I was pushing when they told me I was too tight and they asked if I wanted them to suction him out or get the episiotomy. I opted for the episiotomy and still tore and got stitches. I don't regret it. They say it's easier to push out bigger babies than smaller babies.
  • I bled for 6 1/2 weeks pp non stop and it was heavy the first 6 weeks... with an episiotomy and stitches...good luck!
  • I had a c-section and bled for 5 weeks straight and then off and on for 2 weeks.
  • @0811: So far the bleeding stopped being heavy after the first week.

    @perly: Was it heavy?
  • Yeah I got a bottle but dermaplast isn't available in Canada. At least not where I live.
  • That's weird.. I've never heard of that why would it be harder? I think it just depends on the body but I'm not professional.
  • When the placenta detaches you literally sever 40 arteries....it's a huge wound! It takes time to heal...if you do too much, that wound gets re-aggravated and has to heal longer. So, listen to your body and slow down if you start bleeding heavier. It's amazing that we don't bleed to death, but our bodies somehow clamp down those arteries right after birth. I know it's hard because you want to get things done, I'm the same way!
  • @jules: Not really harder but it'sceasier to push s bigger baby out than a smaller baby. At least what I have been told.

    @Wilsomom: I think I'll be able to take it easier once I get all of this craziness out the way. His circumcision and this naming ceremony (Nigerian tradition). Once all of this is out the way I'll be able to FINALLY relax.
  • Thats really interesting. Then why would they have c section in case baby is too big and can't fit? Maybe it's like if baby is bigger but still isn't too big to fit? Maybe if this one is bigger or smaller than my first I'll be able to see the difference.
  • My bleeding was only heavy the first week and then it got lighter and lighter till it was gone. But my period usually heavier so my pp bleeding wasn't so bad.
  • I'm not bleeding heavy anymore. Its just the blood that comes and goes. I cant wait til it finally stops and goes away @perly.
  • Don't worry, It'll go away soon :)
  • It's like payback for all those months without a period! Lol
  • @Wilsomom: Lol, that's what it feels like.
  • @veevee we do the naming celebrations too, I guess its every African kinda thing ours is actually more of a religious.
  • edited October 2013
    @mommy2two: I'm not Nigerian, SO is. It's a religious thing as he, explained it to me, for Africans.
  • edited October 2013
  • Oh okay yea we do the naming and supposedly shave the babies hair too, I did the naming celebrations but me and my husband was against the shaving of their head. @Veevee
  • edited October 2013
    I told SO about that. We not shaving any heads. If his family gets mad oh well. @mommy2two
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