So we got my almost 2 year old a puppy for her birthday but she won't leave the puppy on the ground.. She keeps picking her up by her neck or by the legs.. any advice on how to get her to stop?
As long as she's sitting and the puppy isn't yelping, I'd honestly just watch real close, the more she messes with puppy the more laid back it's going to be. Madison was playing with a tiny kitten and kept grabbing it by the neck, I made sure she didn't put pressure, it's usually a loose hold. The animals have no problem letting you know if they don't like what's being done to them. Or just explain to her that we only pet the dog and it can be in her lap only while she's sitting.
Then after she grabs by the legs tell her to be sweet, take her hand and stroke the puppy. Madison had a tiny stage where she was evil to our dog and I'd do that, now I can tell what she's about to do and tell her to be sweet and she'll start petting
When my daughter was 1 1/2 we got a puppy a mini dachshund who was 7lbs and did the same thing we tried telling her not to she did it to him all the time till the fascination of the dog went away. I would watch very closely its is a puppy it might bite and not mean to harm her. We got a great Dane when my son was 1 he tried to do it with that puppy but that puppy was to big with any animal you just have to watch and make sure the child isn't hurting it and that the animal can't hurt your kid. We yelled at our son told him no and made him back away. He tries to do with any small animal so we try to discipline him for it. My daughter has gotten bitten twice in the face by a dig from jealousy not any of my dogs.
Teach her how to do it. Think about it, a puppy is a new thing for her and she doesn't know how to pick it up and play with it because like i said, its something new. Teach her how you pick a puppy and how to play with it, how to pat it and so on.
Or just explain to her that we only pet the dog and it can be in her lap only while she's sitting.
Think about it, a puppy is a new thing for her and she doesn't know how to pick it up and play with it because like i said, its something new. Teach her how you pick a puppy and how to play with it, how to pat it and so on.