how did you know?

edited October 2013 in Second pregnancy
I have been thinking of a second baby alot lately, even had a couple dreams, I was wondering how did you ladies know you where ready for your second baby. My daughter turned 2 September 16th. :)


  • Me and my husband knew when I was pregnant with my first that we wanted them close in age. Now we with this pregnancy I wanted a baby since I had my son over 2 years ago I begged for another baby two years later he told me he wanted another. We don't want our kids really far apart. Me and my brother are 17 months apart and growing up we had the same friends. My hubby and his brother are 5 years a part and to this day they really don't talk my hibbu felt like growing up he was more like his dad.
  • Wasn't ready, wasn't planning mine just happened and it was the best surprise for me and hubby...our daughter just turned 2 September 24th and our son is now 4months.
  • We wanted our second as soon as had our first since we wanted them close in age..however we wanted to be in different job situation once that happened we had to move so as soon as we got our new house everything was good to go. My daughter will be 2 in December and this baby is due December as well so we're happy they will be two years apart exactly that's the past apart we wanted. You just have to talk it out her feeling of what you see for your family.
  • We just wanted our second baby to be born around the time she was 2 , I accidentally got pregnant and was ectopic then a month later I had my surprise baby #2 and he was born when she was 19months its great they r very close and we are actually preparing ourselves for #3
  • Thank you ladies for your thoughts :) @everyone
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