Gestational age???
That's what GA means right? I went to go get an ultrasound done in Wednesday and I Noticed that where it says GA it said 20w3d which is 20 weeks+3days. I was according to my ob 18w3d. This place i went to was not through my dr. Also, on all my files it says that my last period was the beginning of June when it was May 19-24. Could they be off on how far along I am? I haven't had any US done by my dr. I've had 2 done by a pregnancy center that offered US for free bc there was techs learning how to use the Machine but the professionals were there too making sure they were doing it correctly. I've also had another US by the dr who did my screening for genetic diseases I believe. I'm just thrown off by the 20 week thing. Am I just overthinking it?
@debs I got a completely different due date then they did. I didn't have a period after the one in May and they keep saying I did in the beginning of June. As if I didn't know I had a period??? Hello I think I would know lol.