Missed Miscarriage

edited October 2013 in Loss
Ok so babys growth was 6 days behind Oct 3rd. And hcg wasn't rising properly tho rising nonetheless. Well scan today at lmp 8w2d showed us no heartbeat & a 6w1d size. Missed Miscarriage... ok so my two options are D&C or wait til I start to bleed. I stopped vitex today cuz whats the point anymore. Also I go back Tuesday to see if I guess sac is collapsing.
So has anyone dealt with this and went to do a D&C?? I'm not sure if I wanna wait to miscarry. I'd really like to ttc again soon so I dont have another Sept baby lol. I have 2 already.
I've heard D&C can cause scarring which can inhibit implantation in the future. If I go naturally, who knows when it can happen... weeks ob said it can take. I don't feel pregnant & am probably in denial now though I'm ok and just want my toddler to have a playmate as my 2girls are 11years apart & teen is moody lol.

Also can I keep remains which isnt much to bury? If not, I'll ask for a u/s pic to keep.


  • Sorry I don't know anything about that but I just wanted to say I'm sorry :(
  • I had a d&c they won't give u the remains I'm Sry ur having to go through this its rough I got pregnant 6 months after my d&c and now I have a 2 year old lol
  • Sorry first off the for your loss. I've had a miscarriage three times. The first two I didn't really know I was pregnant but the third one I did. I had a d&c done with. Three months later I conceived again and had my son 9 months later. I don't think I'd want to see the sac etc. Myself. I think it would be harder for me then if I were to have a d&c. I was 17 weeks along but only measured at 13/14 weeks which means I was carrying him for three to four weeks heartless. :'( that was so hard for me to find out. If it were me I'd have the d&c. I had no problems with mine. I was told by my doctor that the risks for having a d&c were very slim but the odds of getting pregnant again were really high. Hope you get things figured out and things work out for you!!! Sorry again for your loss!!!!
  • I'm very sorry for your loss. Me personally I would just want until my body did it naturally..I had friend who went through one last year and just waited for things happen naturally and it went really fast she got pregnant only after 3 weeks and just bad her baby boy 6 weeks ago. I wish you the best with whatever you decide is best for you!
  • Thanks ladies, I may be leaning towards.D&C just because its quicker. I really just wanna be pregnant n have a healthy child n playmate for my toddler. I just dont want complications from it when I cant hold a pregnancy afterwards.
  • I had a d&c myself Dec1st 2010 having it done does help with the bleeding. And I got pregnant 6 weeks after and have a very healthy baby boy who will be 2 on Oct. 25th!!! Also when my son turned 1 I found out I was pregnant again and now have a 4month old baby girl!! So I don't think a D&C hurt anything!
  • @newmommie1014 im not bleeding yet. It could be weeks before it happens. That's why D&C was suggested.
  • My doctor gave me cytotec, a pill I inserted in my vagina. It got things started, and body started miscarrying the next day. I waited one cycle & got pregnant the next month. I was 8 weeks when I found out the baby stopped growing at 6 weeks.
  • @2ndtimearound I asked about pills ...methotrexate... he said thats used for ectopic. I do go back Tuesday so I'll ask about cytotec too. Thanks.
  • Don't take the pills!!!! They are horrible
  • I took pills u take 2 one day and 2 the next day and they were horrible they cause a lot of bad cramping and bleeding
  • @lovemylife11 was that what you chose? Pills? I'm leaning towards D&C but still researching.
  • I lost my daughter at 17 weeks and i was induced to have her so i don't know what a d&c is like. But i got pregnant again a year and two months after having her.
  • My heart aches for you! I am so sorry for your loss! I dont have any experience with a d&c or waiting it out, but i think my gut reaction would be to have a d&c so i could emotionally start the grieving process as soon as possible. Again, i am so sorry you are going through this!
  • I took the pills first then ended up having to have a d&c anyway
  • So sorry for your loss. :( I've always waited it out myself, but my adult daughter had a d&c and it worked fine for her. It's really up to you and what you think is best.
  • I had a d&c in 2009 I was 12w and the baby stopped growing at 8w. I got pregnant less then a year later (my husband deployed 2 weeks after ny d&c). I have since had 2 healthy pregnancies
  • Thank you all for advice. It looks like I probably will do D&C to get the process started and try again.
  • @one5one I had a miscarriage/missed miscarriage last June 2012 and I got a d&c and 6 months later I got pregnant with my son
  • I had 2 MCs before my 10mo was conceived. Tge first time, I used the cytotec (misoprostol) and it worked well, but was an awful experience. I had a lot of pain and bleeding/passing clots. The second time I did the pills and they caused terrible hemorrhaging and I ended up with only a partial MC so I had to have a D&C anyway. It took 6 months to conceive after the D&C for me. It has pros and cons. Either way, I'm so sorry for your loss. :(
  • My ob refused a D&C because if the scarring unless it was medically needed. Took me about 2 wks to MC. Ive heard it can take up to 6 wks
  • I had a d&c. It wasnt bad. I also passed my baby before i could have the surgery. I was almost ten weeks so it wasnt just a clot. With my second i passed naturally but i started bleeding on my own and that's how i knew i was having a miscarriage. I was five weeks exactly with that one. Im so sorry for your loss and i know how hard the decision is. Good luck sweetie. Feel free to contact me if you need to talk. I can give you my Facebook info. Im also part of a great support group that a woman from pregly started if you're interested.
  • edited October 2013
    Thank you all. I appreciate the info n support. Im scared of dr not clearing it all or scarring. But hes been a ob for 30+ years. We go tomorrow to discuss it and I just want to be as informed before we go as much as possible. We will definitely go with the procedure. Less wait & less pprolonged pain. I will update you all Tuesday or Wednesday.
    @mrsrobbins6113 I'll let you know on the group. Im a lil outa sorts now. Thank you!
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