DS has Stridor.

edited October 2013 in Babies Health
A few appointments ago DS doctor mentioned it but said if he had it it will go away as he gets older. At his last appointment they brought it up again and now they want us to see an ENT Specialist and schedule a laryngoscopy. Where they wil stick a tube with a camera down his throat to check for underlying issues. If there are none. We will just have to deal with until his airways stiffens and matures. Which usually happens around 18mos to 2yrs.

What is Stridor?
Stridor is a high-pitched, wheezing sound caused by disrupted airflow. Airflow is usually disrupted by a blockage in the larynx (voice box) or trachea (windpipe). It is most noticeable when breathing in (inspiration/inhaling), though it can sometimes be heard when breathing out (expiration/exhaling). Stridor affects children more often than adults.

In infants, a condition called laryngomalacia is usually the cause of stridor. It may be quieter when your child is lying on his or her stomach, and louder when lying on his or her back.

Larynogomalacia is most noticeable when your child is about six months old. It may start as soon as a few days after birth. As your child ages, his or her airway stiffens, and the stridor often goes away. Stridor may go away by the time your child is two years old. For some children, it may continue for another year or two.

Stridor may also be called “abnormal breathing sounds,” “musical breathing,” or “extrathoracic airway obstruction."
I'm praying its nothing serious.


  • My almost 4mo old has had it since he was born. It started about a week after and would be really loud when he was feeding. I recorded it while he was doing it and showed it to his pediatrician at his 2,week checkup and she said it was stridor and most times fixes itself with time and she didn't seem concerned about it at all. Now it is completely gone.
  • @ExcitedForOctober: I didn't really have any concerns about and neither the doctors but SO brought it up to the doctors. The doctors did say we don't really have to go to the ENT but if it was concerning us (SO, not me) they recommended it. I have enough stress on me as it is and now this. I don't want to see another hospital. I know it's good to be on the safe side but all this has done is add more stress. I can take seeing my son go through this.
  • I know how you feel, my LO was also born with an enlarged kidney, he's had 2 ultrasounds, an exam called a VCUG where they strap him to a machine and turn it to all sides, an another exam kind of like an MRI where they had to put an IV and put a kind of dye in his body, both exams he had to get catheters put in for AND he had his circumcision when he was a little over a week old, all this and he's not even 4mo yet! It breaks my heart but you are right, its always better safe than sorry.
  • I'm sorry poor thing but you probably won't feel better until you have the proper tests done you won't feel better and still be stressed. I would as hard as it is just get it done it's never fun putting your lo thtough pain and discomfort but like you said u want to be on the safe side in case it is serious. once it's done over with and hopefully you get good news you will feel much better. One of many things we have to do as parents everytime my daughter has anything done I still cry and she's almost two so I know it's not easy but he will be ok. Lots prayers for you and your lo.
  • @ExcitedForOctober: I'm sorry you had to go through all of that. I hope your son is better now. Yes it is heartbreaking seeing our kids or anyone child like that. I can't imagine what you were going through.

    @jules: Thank you. I will be at ease once we get the news hoping it's all good. I'm praying Friday he has picked up some weight. I bought my Fenugreek today.
  • My 2 year old had stridor when she was around 1 month until she was 5 months. Friends and family kept begging me to take her to the doctors every week when they'd see her because they thought she was sick. I'm like, I can't just keep taking her in because you feel she's sick. I was already told what it was, but no matter how much I explained it to them, they'd just say "better safe than sorry". No, I'm not taking my healthy kid to the doctor because you think she's sick, then she'd probably actually get sick from being at the doctors so much.
  • I'm sure you will get some good news! And glad you found the fenugreek ok hope it really works for you!
  • edited October 2013
    It's super common. Usually caused by laryngo/tracheomalacia, but given your son's issies with weight gain, it might be good to see ENT. His suck/swallow/breathe may be compromised if the airway is overly floppy. The good news is that is really does usually correct itself.
  • @RTMommy The weight gain was due to my low supply and a not so good latch. He has taken the bottle (BM & Formula) really well and has gained some weight he has outgrown his premies and some of his newborns. I still BF and he doesn't seem to have any nipple confusion. That's what they told us it fixes itself.
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