39 week belly pic

edited October 2013 in Pregnant
I had my wrap on to hold the baby in more, hopefully aligned more with my cervix. But still no real labor, just lots of braxton hicks.

39 Weeks photo IMG_20131022_124022_zps31c2e427.jpg


  • I have no idea how I actually got the pic to show up instead of the link! I've never been able to do that before! Lol
  • Your belly looks small! But you say you had your wrap on... Looking good :)
  • Yeay almost there how exciting!!!
  • Thanks ladies, I did have it wrapped pretty tight lol
  • What's the wrap for? Is it comfortable?
  • Awww very cute
  • It does look small but you're one hot mama. KMFX for you to POP tonight.
  • Thanks everyone. The wrap is to hold the baby in tighter so his head will be centered more on my cervix. I've had so many babies that my uterus and abs let me belly stick out too far and the baby is less upright. It actually feels pretty good and helps support just like a maternity belt. @jules
    I hope I pop tonight @veevee ! :)
  • Oh that's cool! U have same due date as my sister in law if I remember right. And she hasn't had her baby either. Hopefully very soon for you both!!! Everyone in my family was hoping this weekend bc my dad had an extra day off so he could have visited longer and my parents really want to see Scarlett but guess now that it's already Saturday they will be here next weekend. How are you feeling though? Has your doc checked you any progress?!
  • @jules Last week I was about 1 cm and my cervix was so far anterior he couldn't reach it to try and do a sweep. I'm feeling pretty good, just some pelvic pressure but not too bad. I'm due Monday the 28th...I was hoping this weekend too because I don't have any appointments next week and it'd be a good time to recover!! Lol
  • I wish my doc would check sooner I asked him this last appointment when he starts checking he said not until 38 and half weeks. But I swear my cevix is literally visible I was feeling like my lady part was exploding so I looked in mirror tmi sorry and things look freaky.. so I checked and I don't even have to put my finger in its just right there. Is that possible? Last time I was at 1cm until my water broke at 38w6d and when I got to the hospital I was still only at 2cm but still had pretty quick delivery I guess sometimes doesn't do much to check but this time I'm super curious lol..Well you can still go this weekend! Do you usually do anything help things get going or just wait it out?
  • @jules I don't know if that's possible or not, but I know things def get swollen and weird looking down there toward the end! Lol I usually just pretty much wait it out, but I'll do some walking and sit on the birthing ball and such...just not enough to wear myself out. I wonder why your doc waits so long to check? That would drive me nuts waiting!
  • Ya it's super low that's why I wish he would check at least like other doc which mostly do at 36 weeks some do 34 which would mean I would get checked by now. And I know things get swollen at the end but last time out wasn't until almost 38 weeks so it's for sure driving me little crazy..plus the baby is soo low I literally have movement way way way down there that can be felt perfectly from the outside. I love birthing ball I haven't used it yet this time I used it with my last at the end so comfortable I think :)
  • Aww so close!!
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