give me hope!

edited October 2013 in Pregnant
So we BD friday night at 12am going into Saturday. Saturday my opks started getting darker and I got a positive at 8pm. We won't have another chance to BD until monday. Anyone else with a similar timeline and get a bfp? I know I O 12 to 48 hours after positive opkright? And yes I know the only way to know for sure that I O'd I to temp but I didnt so lets pretend that positive opk is a sure thing ;)


  • I got a positive OPK but didn't DTD until two days later and I got pregnant.
  • Ahh that's the opposite of me lol @veevee
  • I'm confused what's bd opks mean? Opks ovulation predictor kit?
  • Bd is baby dance or sex and you are right on opk
  • Thanks. I used a opk and I'm pregnant now. But I also had sex three days before I O'd and three days after I wanted to make sure I got pregnant. My friend also used a opk and got pregnant. I just gave my extra kit to my other friend because she is having a hard time getting pregnant and I had a hard time telling when I O'd and when download apps for tracking they were always a week off from the opk
  • Well with us we put it in our minds that we wanted a baby... tried for 3 months and then... woot woot Rubiya came into existance. :)
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