Sleep Training my 4mo old...questions
So for the past 2 months or so my 4mo old has slept in his rock and play rocker, its time to transition him to his crib and I know its not going to be easy. His pediatrician suggested the CIO method, I was just wondering if anyone was successful with it with a baby this age...
What is your routine now?
I totally understand you though. Adrian has been going through this sleep regression and he's back in my bed. If it were only the sleep regression, then I would just put him back to bed every time he woke up but aside from that he's acid reflux has gotten worse and it keeps him up so its gotten harder to teach him to sleep through the night again. Since he needs me so much every time he wakes up, its just easier to have him in my bed. I know this is just making things harder for me but this is what comforts him and I rather keep him happy even if I have to suffer later.
I think that CIO is not the answer just yet. That's just my opinion though.