Its really never a good time to have a baby. EVERYONE could use more money. If this is a baby you can't consider doing anything else with, you'll find a way, whether it be getting job/anotherjob, or cutting back expenses more. See a drDr, make sure its for sure before freaking out tho!
Well it's very true that sometimes there's never perfect timing. With our first we were doing totally fine financially then half way through my hubby lost his job. So you never know what can happen. Sounds like you were being careful and God really wants this baby here And He always has a plan just keep praying and God will take care of it. Maybe your hubby will get a raise, or you can find great job, or different one if you don't already have one maybe you will find one. And as far as your mom don't even think about that. If there are people who don't want to be supportive that's their loss. No need to have the negativity around you and your family. When it's time she will find out and she can do what she wants with it you just focus on you and your family. It will all be ok!
My first was not planned and my mom was horrible when I told her. I'm sorry that your mom isn't nice about but every baby is a miracle and maybe this baby is a blessing in disguise. My hubby and I are pregnant with our third its planned but very worried about money but we got 9 months to start planning on how to do it even if its buying one box of diapers a paycheck. Doing lil things when you have the money instead of waiting for the baby to get here. Wishing you the best and sending prayers
First of all, congratulations! I know it must be scary, but just think about how much that baby loves you already! :X Take it one day at a time and don't let money problems stress you out. We all could be better off, but try to focus on what you DO have rather than what you don't. Second of all,screw what your mom thinks. That may sound harsh, but if someone is that cold hearted and would make you feel like shit when it should be a joyous announcement then obviously she has some issues SHE needs to work out. Not you!! You were protecting yourself and being smart, and you still got pregnant so it was for a reason! Don't beat yourself up, just try to embrace the new addition to your family we are always here for you!!!
Congrats!!! I feel for u. I'm also on my third and she wasn't planned. We are also having financial troubles not to mention that my fiancé is on "vacation" and the reality of the situationis that he might not be around when baby is born so I'm pretty much by myself with my two kids. It's very overwhelming and scary but we re lucky to be able to be given the opportunity to be parents again. We are blessed. It's going to be hard but we can do it!!!
Trust in God and he will help you. Remember that everything happens for a reason and this baby is coming for a reason. There are A TON of places that can help you financially. This is the time to do research, get as much info as you can and get ready. You have more than enough time to get all the essentials. Sign up for samples at all the baby websites you can think of (formula, diapers, lotion and so on)
It's hard and I have my bad days where u just want to cry...and I do but I have to keep it together for my kids and fiancé. I don't want my kids to see me upset and if I breakdown my fiancé will have a harder time coping with the situation. It's already not our ideal situation. Just praying he catches a break and gets to come home soon. Yes we will still be struggling but at least I will have my other half back and my support. You are already strong by dealing with what's going on, keep in mind that there are women out there who find it easier to just abort. We chose to keep our blessing even if it means to struggle. We are selfless. You got this! Things happen to a reason, although we may not know right now. Don't let your mothers negativity take away from the gift that you have been given
Im in the worst position of my life right now but if its meant to be it will be. Trust in God he will help you. Hes the only thing getting me through this also. Im almost 7 months pregnant with no boyfriend, no car, no job and a toddler. Im so grateful for my family because without them id be so lost. Their my biggest helpers and supporters. After I have this baby IAM getting on track.Im not making any excuses or going to depend on anyone besides God and myself. While im pregnant im going to work towards getting a good job for after I give birth. Im not letting anything bring me down! I have two blessings to take care of and im going to do it no matter how hard it is because they are my life. You CAN and WILL do it! Even if it's a struggle atleast your kids wont be alone in life. They will ALWAYS have each other. ♥ *hugs*