front placenta?

So when I was in my last dr apt I found out the placenta is in the front, the dr couldn't find a heart beat and I was scared because this is my rainbow baby and she did a quick ultrasound and everything was fantastic :) baby wouldn't stop moving and my dr told me the placenta was blocking the baby, (didn't have that with my son) so I wont be able to feel the kicks on the outside for a while till baby gets stronger, but omg does this baby move around! I felt a kick on my side once!

So who else has that, when did you feel the kicks?
What was your experience? :-D


  • That's how my first was. I could feel him moving but no one else could until I got really big. I also had a scare at the Drs where they couldn't find the heartbeat with the Doppler so they had to get the ultrasound machine to find him.
  • Mine is anterior as well. I felt her before 20 weeks.About 23-24 I could feel and see her on the outside. She just kicks more one my sides. :) my dr always has troubles finding her heart bewt because of it. Im 30 weeks lol.
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