Daylight savings time

edited November 2013 in Pregnant
Is stupid!! We have electricity now, we no longer need it. It's hard on kids who already have problems sleeping.
I don't see Madison ever getting back on track, keeping her up later doesn't work cause then she just wakes up earlier (she already wakes up at 5:30). I know we're going to have to slowly move her bedtime back to 7:30 and just pray she starts sleeping until 6:30 but it's ridiculous. She'll be doing good on this schedule then we'll spring back! Ughh


  • edited November 2013
    So far DST hasn't messed up Elijah's sleep schedule. I do agree why do we need it? All it does is mess up people's sleep. We gained an hour of sunlight but lost an hour of sleep. I prefer my sleep.

    I hope you can get Madison back on a good schedule.
  • It is really stupid I have no idea why we do it. But fortunately so far the last time change and this one has been totally fine for Scarlett she goes to bed at 8pm wakes up between 8:30 and 9am. I wouldn't mind if she was up at 8am we would get more done before her nap cause she sleeps forever in the afternoon. But im thankful now that I only got 4 weeks before my due date. But can't imagine being up at 5:30 while it's still dark I'm sorry. Maybe couple of days of trying to have to have her wait to get up she will get hang that it's too early!
  • I'm so glad we don't do DST in AZ!! When we lived in cali it was such a pain!
  • I heard the West Coast doesn't do it @MorgDeeBee
  • edited November 2013
    Cali does, Arizona does not. I'm not sire about anywhere else. When I first moved to cali I was so confused lol @veevee
  • Indiana doesn't do it either.. Or so I was told.
  • I feel like the day is longer and drags on!!!
  • edited November 2013
    @adri805 it is and it does because it feels so late when it's not. I'm thinking it's at least 7 or 8 o'clock but I look at the clock and it's only 5. Whaaat?

    @MorgDeeBee Lol

    @1stWoodsBaby We're sister states, lol.
  • Ugh, Madison went to sleep at 8 which her body thinks is 9 (She was in bed before then, just couldn't settle) and was up before 5:30.... It is not going to be a fun day
  • edited November 2013
    Daylight saving time is good for the planet and your wallet. We look forward to it here.
  • @1stWoodsBaby I'm from Indiana and we do it and it sucks, I work night shift so i had to work an extra hour :( stupidest thing ever
  • Nevada does it too. Its not so hard on me I just feel tired all day now and it feels as if im losing an hour of sleep.
  • @veevee It limits the amount of artificial light and fuel we need to use, so we personally see better electricity bills. That's what it has always been for (except back then they were trying not to waste candles). You are on "regular" or "standard" time right now, as Daylight Saving Time has ended. :)
  • DST has never done that for my family @Fate. Standard.
  • @veevee It doesn't help everybody. My family just personally cares a lot about the energy we use and prefer natural light during our regular waking hours.
  • @Fate I care more about sleep.
  • I can semi see how it saves energy, but I'm gonna have to have lights on longer at night now and Madison is waking up at 5:30am so we aren't saving anything
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