I miss FOOD! (rant)

edited November 2013 in Pregnant
So I'll be 14 weeks tomorrow and while my overwhelming morning sickness has started to let up I still feel like my stomach has been cut in half. I dont enjoy any of the foods I use to and I'm full after only a few bites. I know this is all normal and should go away soon but man does it suck!


  • Im sorry that's no fun..with this pregnancy I had food aversion first trimester it sucked because I was hungry but everything looked, smelled, sounded nasty. Now that I got 28 days left until due date I have no appetite like you said feels like there's no room for food!
  • I've been through that before too.. it is very hard to deal with. I hope you feel better soon.
  • @jules For some reason I already thought you had the baby lol. Silly me. :-))
  • @mylove2 no I wish it was time! Not yet though still got more cooking to do..well good part of it is I haven't gained weight in 3 weeks which I sure don't mind lol
  • Another thing that bothers me is that I'm loosing weight and every time I ho to the WIC office they tell me that I shouldn't be loosing weight and how important it is for me to eat as if I'm doing it on purpose!
  • I think that if baby is in target then everything should be fine! I've only gained 4 pound and they're always questioning me if I even eat. I do eat, it's annoying
  • I feel like they (Drs & Wic & everyone else) worry too much about weight. I'm 34wks and I've gained 30lbs and they keep telling me I'm too heavy. I feel your frustration because its not like we have much control over all this.
  • @frantastic are they crazy?!! 30 pounds I think your doing amazing with my first my doc wanted me to at least gain 25..with this one they want me to gain 30 but since I only got 3 and half weeks left and so far gained 15 I don't see that happening, but my doc is not worried because as long as baby is doing well. I agree they shouldn't just look at a number it's more important what and how much we eat and that our bodies and heart are physically healthy. I'm sorry they are bugging you don't let them get to you.
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