Any older mamas? UPDATE in comments, I have uterine infection

edited November 2013 in Postpartum Health
How long did it take you to recover from birth? I just turned 40, my baby is 10 days old & I feel like crap! I can't seem to get back into the swing of things at all. I mean, I know I shouldn't be doing cartwheels, but jeez, I usually feel better than this.


  • I've heard the older you get the harder it is to recover. My coworker was in late 30s when she had her twins and it was really tough on her. Heck I'm 28 and ready to pop and I feel like I'm dying half the time.
  • I'm gonna be 40 when I have this one, and I'm worried. I was 23 when I had my 1st and 37 with my 2nd & I definitely felt the difference. Sorry the recovery is so slow for you, I'll probably be going thru thatmyself in March.
  • Yeah it's normal at that age for you to recover slower.. but you will be fine hun.
  • Thanks, I guess I just have to be patient.
  • @wilsomom lets not forget the fact that you've pushed out what? 9 babies?? (Sorry I can't ever remember) that takes a huge toll on your body, you'll be back in the swing of things before you know it!
    On an unrelated note, if baby is up in my ribs can I still dilate? I tried googling and it was no help
  • The more babies you have, the slower your body will heal and that's at any age. Yes, age does play a factor, but it's not the main factor. You'll get back into the swing of things it's just going to take a little longer. Just be patient and take care of yourself that's all any of us can do.

    @Kimberly4411: Yes you can dilate when baby is still high. Some babies don't drop completely until you're already in labor.
  • @veevee o good! Lol I was worried cause this baby is super comfortable up in there
  • I agree with @veevee I'm 27 on my third and I haven't felt so worn out with my last two pregnancies. I want to have another in A few years but idk if my body will be able to handle it. The fact that u have had that many kids is amazing!!! Have u tried taking extra vitamins and all that good stuff? Try not to push yourself. And ur baby is a newborn so as u know it takes a few weeks for some of us to start feeling semi normal. I'm very shocked that u have had that many kids, in a good way! Pretty neat.
  • Wasn't your thyroid outfof whack after your last baby? If it continues, you may need to get screened. Feel better soon and congrats on that precious boy.
  • UPDATE: I just found out today I have an infection in my uterus, so I'm guessing that's why I was feeling so crappy, it's probably been going on for a while before I noticed the symptoms.

    @Kimberly4411 Thank you!! :) And you can dilate some, but you won't dilate adequately until baby's head is firmly on your cervix. That's why I got so much pitocen this delivery, baby wouldn't come down & I wasn't making much progress. Hopefully yours will come down once labor starts! P.S. 10 babies pushed out....LMBO!

    @veevee Thanks, I can definitely tell I'm getting older lol Are you feeling back to normal yet?

    @adri805 Thank you!! I've been way more diligent about taking my vitamins and everything this pregnancy...especially the iron since I'm anemic.

    @Mijita Yeah, so far all my thyroid tests were normal during this pregnancy, but I go at 6 weeks postpartum to have them checked again since sometimes they can get messed up after delivery. Fingers crossed they stay normal! And thank you!! :)
  • I was anemic too with my first and it takes a huge toll on u. I can only imagine how u feel. I'm so glad that u found out about the infection and u r right, that could be another reason why u feel the way u do. Thank god u found out. Do u know how u got it? How's the baby?
  • edited November 2013
    Yes, I started to feed better around 3 weeks, but around 5 weeks is when I was back to normal. I'll be 8 weeks pp tomorrow.
  • @adri805 I'm not sure how I got it, but it's probably retained tissue from the placenta. Baby's doing great! He's a very good baby, easy going, only wakes up once at night to eat.

    @veevee That's good, I hope I'm back to normal by 5 weeks too.
  • edited November 2013
    I hope you do too. Sorry about the infection. Hope it goes away soon.
  • Oh no im sorry about the infection. Hope u get some medicine and feel better very very soon! I can't believe ur lo only wakes up once a night already thats amazing. I hope I get that lucky this time around..right now im just cant wait until.shes here :)
  • @jules Thank you! You're little one will be here before you know it! :)
  • Very very true time are goes by fast especially when your busy.
  • Oh no! :( hope the infection goes away, soon.
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