Getting back to routine and adjusting 2 under 2

My daughter turns 2 this Sunday and my baby boy is 2 weeks old and 2 days. I had my mom and husband home with me until this Monday and they both went back to work. I was pretty sad. Loved hving them both. However getting back and in routine this week has me exhausted!! Its nice to feel better body wise and I do actually sleep way better now. My son is such a good baby he barely cries and I hv to wake him up to feed or he will justsleep all night. But jugglinf their needs from a active almost 2 yr old and a newborn alone all day whew! I love having both my babies so close so don't get me wrong. Im so busy I forget to eat sometimes. I give all you mommas out there big high five with multiple babies so close. I wouldn't change it for the world how I have it now. I said I was done after my son. Had a rough pregnancy and a emergency induction with him but I am definitely considering one more baby. You really forget about everything you went through after giving birth. I just love my babies so much.


  • Aww they are both kids will be pretty much same as yours my daughter is turning 2 on December 12th and this baby girl is due December 5th. I was little early with my first so will see what happens this time. I'm nervous about having new born and toddler to care for at same time and my hubby works a lot, and my family is 6 hrs away so it's just me but I know it will be ok. We all make it through one way or another. I'm just praying I get another good little sleeper :) just like you.
  • @jules youll be great at it! I was so worried about it. But as always mothers instinct kicks right in. And I hope you get a good sleeper again! I wasn't lucky with my daughter. She was up a lot and cried a lot from birth. She also had colic :( but im sooooo glad hes been such a good baby. You are so close. Are you getting impatience yet?
  • I sure hope so thank you! I can't even imagine a baby with colic from everyone I hear it's horrible glad you don't have to do that again. I'm very close and just starting to get impatient mostly from excitement and the fact that my ribs are being beaten. I need to get moving help things out a little. I'm been super busy last few days so tomorrow morning I'm looking forward to hopefully some good weather so I can go on my walk/run.
  • I'm in the same boat, my son just turned 2 in Oct and boy #2 is due Dec 12th. I have no idea what to do as far as schedules and routines for both of them. Maybe @Wilsomom has some ideas. She's like the queen if this stuff :)
  • @jules yes colic was horrible!! I don't wish that upon anyone :(

    @frantastic I'm still trying to get schedules but it's coming along and yes I know @wilsomom is awesome I have seen tons of her post :)
  • My oldest turned 2 on the 2nd and my youngest is 3 months old. Its hard at times, but give yourself time to adjust and time to get used to each other. When I get them both to sleep at the same time I never know if I should sleep, shower, or clean lol
  • @novmom2be @jules @frantastic congrats to all on your expanding families :)
  • @rockiespurple lol, I feel the exact same way. It's like "do I want to clean? Exercise? Take a shower and be able to do my hair and makeup and look decent? Or clean or exercise and take a 5min shower?
  • I have a 2 yr old and a 6 month old sometimes I get a routine but it'd always changing I don't regret it ull get ur routine
  • @rockiespurple thank you very much!
  • @rockiespurple Thank you :)
    @excitedforoctober i know thats pretty much how i feel this week minus the exercise since in only 2weeks pp yet I know that will be added to my daily do list soon in between feeding, diapers, play time, house duties lol I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. Lol :)

    @2lilblessings Thank you. Slowly but surely I'm getting there. I'm happy it's the weekend and my hubby is off! I can at least catch a 20 min. shower this weekend vs 5 mins lol
  • Lord do i feel you lol i have a 3.5 year old, a 2 year old and a 6 month old. It can be hard at times but you just have to keep moving along lol i feel like i blinked and my littlest one is already six month old! Sometimes i have no idea how i make it through some days lol mommas just do what we have to do!!
  • Yea its a great help when hubbies can helo us and take over for a lil bit
  • When I had my second, I got severe postpartum depression & was in a really bad marriage. So I didn't cope very well! I ended up getting pregnant when the baby was 4 months old and divorcing my husband as soon as the third was born. Then I got into a real good routine and things were great! It was actually easier for me adjusting to 3 rather than 2. Lol I had a real good consistent schedule so the kids got to bed early every night (6:30) so I had some me time at the end of the day. That really helped recharge me having that time consistently. I also had regular nap times and I made sure I got some exercise every day. I made simple, healthy meals and me & the kids ate every meal together. So for me, having a really good routine or schedule is what made all the difference. And each baby grows on you & you just have to tweak things as you go. If I had all my 11 children at once I would've been admitted to the mental ward!! Lol

    @frantastic @novmom2be Thank you for the compliments! Sometimes I doubt myself & so that really means a lot. :">
  • By the way...if your baby is sleeping at night let him sleep! Lol Unless you're breastfeeding that is.
  • @wilsomom thank you for the great advice! And I am not breastfeeding so I will take your advice and let him sleep then! Gives momma extra sleep as well. Btw how's your new little one doing?
  • He's doing great, thank you. He only wales up once at night to eat & he's very easy going...just perfect! :)
  • Yes, definitely know what you're talking about! A SAHM's job is no easy thing, especially to more than one baby!
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