Getting back to routine and adjusting 2 under 2
My daughter turns 2 this Sunday and my baby boy is 2 weeks old and 2 days. I had my mom and husband home with me until this Monday and they both went back to work. I was pretty sad. Loved hving them both. However getting back and in routine this week has me exhausted!! Its nice to feel better body wise and I do actually sleep way better now. My son is such a good baby he barely cries and I hv to wake him up to feed or he will justsleep all night. But jugglinf their needs from a active almost 2 yr old and a newborn alone all day whew! I love having both my babies so close so don't get me wrong. Im so busy I forget to eat sometimes. I give all you mommas out there big high five with multiple babies so close. I wouldn't change it for the world how I have it now. I said I was done after my son. Had a rough pregnancy and a emergency induction with him but I am definitely considering one more baby. You really forget about everything you went through after giving birth. I just love my babies so much.
my babies and my son and I
@frantastic I'm still trying to get schedules but it's coming along and yes I know @wilsomom is awesome I have seen tons of her post
@excitedforoctober i know thats pretty much how i feel this week minus the exercise since in only 2weeks pp yet I know that will be added to my daily do list soon in between feeding, diapers, play time, house duties lol I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. Lol
@2lilblessings Thank you. Slowly but surely I'm getting there. I'm happy it's the weekend and my hubby is off! I can at least catch a 20 min. shower this weekend vs 5 mins lol
@frantastic @novmom2be Thank you for the compliments! Sometimes I doubt myself & so that really means a lot. :">