Pregnant with Depo!!
My baby girl is 4 months old and I have a two year old. I'm a stay at home mom and honestly I'm just getting the hang of two youngsters an I just got a bombshell at my doctors office that I am 2months! I used the Depo shot so I am having mixed feelings about this. .. I'm upset and overwhelmed but I lovvveeee my kids more than the world but I really don't know what to do I've cried, screamed and drove everyone away. I don't feel like the smart comments and dirty looks. All my babies are July babies thats kinda cool but I don't know how to make of this situation. Not to mention I have been with my children's father for 6 years I'm 24, we are married 6 months the 22nd of this month and all of my children are by him so everyone that makes comments to me really piss me off. I'm not like the other 24 year olds in my area and I'm very mature and take care of my children everyday. No pawning them off on everyone my daughter hasn't left my side since birth and my son visits the night with my mom once a month if that so I think I'm doing damn good raising my children. I need some advice I feel torn and confused and terrified to think of abortion and I could never carry my baby watch it be born and give it away so I hate to say I feel like I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place...
If they don't pay your bills, if they don't contribute to your life or home their opinion should not matter.
Its your life, your marriage, your kids, your vagina.... Screw everyone else. Be happy about your pregnancy. Everything happens for a reason and you'll see that this baby will be your reason to live just like your other two are now.
Congratulations mama