breastfeeding question

edited November 2013 in Breastfeeding
Ok I've been breastfeeding for 6months now. When should i stop?? She drinks formula wed and fridays when i work. She has been such a great, smart, and healthy baby. I haven't had a period since August. I tested back in october it was negitive. i


  • Whenever you and baby are both ready. They generally recommended at least breastfeeding for the first year.
  • Its all up to you. If it were me I would as long as possible. Its good for the baby and saves money.
  • A year ! Its recommended
  • A year is recommended but you can stop whenever you want to. Just wean your baby gradually by give less breast milk and more formula.

    I am trying to go for a year or until he starts solids as in whole foods.
  • I feel there is no actual time to stop..that's all up to you & baby!
    I'm still daughter is soon to be 26 months...and I didn't get my period till she was to 18 or 19 months..can't remember now!
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