Kinda Annoyed!
So my doc keeps having me get ultrasounds. I had the regular 20 weeks growth scan then after 28 weeks I been measuring small so I had scan at 32 weeks, then 36 weeks which was last week now he wants another on Thursday which is 37 weeks. He just keeps wanting to make sure she's growing ok. I'm thankful his being safe but I feel like at this point if she's a small baby then what are you gonna do? Like what's the point she's gonna come when she's ready at this point and there's not much that can be done about that or her size. That stuff is only in Gods hands not ours ya know. Plus I'm already at the regular appointments every week which I'm here forever to get monitoring then the ultrasound is on different day at different location which I have to pay separate for. Obviously at the end of the day it's the babies health most important not about money. But like I said earlier so will get an update again on how big she is there's nothing that can be done I feel like...I had to vent sorry but what do you girls think?