On the verge of a breakdown

edited November 2013 in Parenting
My 4mo old is going to make me have a break down. For the past few days I haven't been able to get a thing done because of him, he won't nap for more than 10 min before waking up screaming bloody murder. I don't know what to do anymore, I seriously feel like I am going to go crazy. At this point I am ready to let him cry it out until he loses his voice, sounds cruel but I don't know what to do.


  • Have you tried baby wearing? He's feeling ok you think? That's odd for him to suddenly do that, any new teeth coming in?
  • @Kimberly4411 yesterday I thought maybe he doesn't feel well since he had a cold last week but in that case wouldn't he be inconsolable? If,we pick him up he's ok. Not sure about the teeth, that also crossed my mind.
  • Do u have a bouncer or a swing?
  • N it's normal to feel overwhelmed sometimes but I'm sure u know that. He doesn't have colic does he?
  • Not neccesarilly (sp?) maybe he likes to be propped up, is he still congested? Madison has only been sick once but she'd have little bursts of normalcy, maybe that's why it isn't constant.
    I'm sorry you're going through this, but something has to be wrong. A 4 month old baby can't be spoiled, check fingers and toes for hair wrapped around them. Check under his chin(s)
  • @adri805 we have both, he used to nap 2-3 hours straight in his swing and now he won't stay in it for more than 10 min. He likes his bouncer but the problem is he won't nap, I can't hold him for 2 hours straight while he naps.

    @kimberly4411 I keep wondering if he could have an ear infection or something but he would have a fever right? He isn't congested anymore.
  • Oh definitely not! I wouldn't want to do that either if I had a million things to do. What about a pouch sling? Since it keeps baby pretty close to ur body?
  • Adrian was like that at 4 months. Turned out to be a growth spurt and sleep regression.
  • My son had a ear infection I had no clue thought he had a cold no fever no excess crying. My besties son is two has had 8 ear infection and at first went un noticed other then few behavioral changes at 3 months. I would take him to the Dr to make sure health wise good. Its hard with kids that don't talk yet. They can't voice what's wrong yet
  • @debs I might just take him to get checked tomorrow, we'll see how tonight and tomorrow morning goes. if he is sick I am really going to feel like a jack ass for getting so irritated.

    @adri805 I'm gonna try that tomorrow, I received a Moby wrap for my baby shower but returned it because it was too complicated to put on but I have like the backpack looking one, not as comfy but I'll try it, thanks.

    @perly I thought he was going through that a few weeks ago when he started waking up alot during the night but that stopped and now it's his naps that are messed up. I just feel bad that he's getting no sleep during the day, I know babies need their sleep.
  • My son used to act like that when he had an ear infection, so it's possible. :/ The only other thing that would console him besides being picked up was riding in the car in his car seat. I hope you get some relief soon!
  • Don't feel like a jack ass. Being a parent is the hardest job it doesn't come with instructions and every kid is different. Its like you got to be a mind reader for a kid under two.
  • Good luck! I really hope it works. The "native" pouch sling looks good too as far as keeping baby close.
  • @adri805 thank you.

    @debs yes, that's why I always tell my SO that I can't wait until they can just tell me what hurts!

    @wilsomom would your son always have a fever with the ear infections?
  • No not always, it was hard to tell sometimes. He ended up having so many that he had to have tubes. It could also be a growth spurt, 4 months is one of the times they have them. Is he eating more than usual? Growth spurts usually cause increased hunger, fussiness & sleep disturbance.
  • that' is what happens with my baby he sonetimew will get too clingy won't let me do anything he always has to have some onenext to hum when he sleeps or will sleep 5 mins the most sometimes I have to leave him crying I feel bad but I need some sanity
  • @2lilblessings yes, I let him cry himself to sleep today. Took about 15 min but he's been sleeping a few hours now.
  • Its hard but sometimes we have to :(
  • Do you think maybe he could be teething?
  • If I could go back in time to when my daughter was that old, I would definitely just let the house be and not worry about it so much. My daughter was the same way and I let it get me so worked up because she would scream while I tried to do anything but hold her. Looking back it was so stupid and I wish I had just relaxed and enjoyed my baby more rather than worry about cleaning and doing mundane chores.
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