On the verge of a breakdown
My 4mo old is going to make me have a break down. For the past few days I haven't been able to get a thing done because of him, he won't nap for more than 10 min before waking up screaming bloody murder. I don't know what to do anymore, I seriously feel like I am going to go crazy. At this point I am ready to let him cry it out until he loses his voice, sounds cruel but I don't know what to do.
I'm sorry you're going through this, but something has to be wrong. A 4 month old baby can't be spoiled, check fingers and toes for hair wrapped around them. Check under his chin(s)
@kimberly4411 I keep wondering if he could have an ear infection or something but he would have a fever right? He isn't congested anymore.
@adri805 I'm gonna try that tomorrow, I received a Moby wrap for my baby shower but returned it because it was too complicated to put on but I have like the backpack looking one, not as comfy but I'll try it, thanks.
@perly I thought he was going through that a few weeks ago when he started waking up alot during the night but that stopped and now it's his naps that are messed up. I just feel bad that he's getting no sleep during the day, I know babies need their sleep.
@debs yes, that's why I always tell my SO that I can't wait until they can just tell me what hurts!
@wilsomom would your son always have a fever with the ear infections?