First time in my life this has happened. Need opinions please!

Ok ladies so I should be 6-9 dpo and been cramping like crazy. Yesterday I had pinching pains on my right abdominal area. I have always had 32-35 days between periods and according to that, my period should come either the 17 or the 20. I'm a good ways off but even after cramping all day today, I have also been feeling really wet. I went pee tonight and there's a good bit of brown discharge (like after a period) on my pad. Could it be IB or could my period be here a week or more early for the first time in my life?


  • Well if your period comes then you will know for sure that you are early. But I think it could be implantation bleeding.
  • @jules I've just never been more than a week early. It's literally like the last day of my period where it's brownish (sorry tmi). I feel like its af because of all the cramps. If it is implantation bleeding, is It safe to use a tampon or just keep a pad on to see if it stays? I read it can last hours or be light for a few days.
  • I think you are fine with tampon. It could be your period if there's enough to need one though. Most implementation is very light like when you wipe but some people get more unfortunately you won't know just yet..but I wish you the best!
  • @jules no more blood. I had light pink only when I wiped before bed and now there's nothing. Cramps have slowed down too. Hmm thanks for the replies :-)
  • I think it's implantation bleeding! :)
  • Well probably not your period then. That would be very weird one for sure.
  • edited November 2013
    @fate I hope so! But shh fb can't know ;-) lol

    @jules I know right! Light brown tint today once when first woke up now gone.
  • I've had weird periods like that and then on the day my period is due ill bleed again like regular period bleeding so I would wait
  • Keep an eye on it as that is exactly what I went through when I experienced my ruptured ectopic. I felt it very early on with sharp side pain by my ovary and kept spotting old blood.
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