My phone was stolern
My phone was stolen and all of the picture from the time my son was born until today was on that phone. I can't believe it. I just want to cry. I called AT&T and disabled my service and filed a police report. We really do have some dishonest ass people in this world.
@Kimberly4411: I'm like that as well. I do have other pictures of him on my digital camera too. SO has a lot of pictures of him and so does my mom, FMIL and FSIL. So I feel a little better. I just got to ask them can I put the pictures on a flash drive.
@ExcitedForOctober: Tell me about it.
@veevee well at any point the phone is on even for few seconds which ever phone u use to track the stolen one will receive a text or email which ever one you want. I mean it's better than nothing at least you would have chance at figuring out where or who has your phone ya know.
@jules what are the names of those apps. Can't hurt to be safe.