
  • Good article. There are lots of evidence that backs up that its a huge factor in Autism, but no one wants to believe it!
  • The thing that bothers me most is that vaccines are mandatory in some cases. Every parent should have the right to choose regardless of safety or efficacy.
  • No vaccines are mandatory. There are exemptions.
  • I posted this on my fb as well and a friend commented that in no way shape or form do vaccines cause autism. He is a parent who vaccinated his daughter so of course you wouldn't want to admit your child is at risk. I don't know what to believe and its scary. For every article saying it causes autism there is another article trying to discrediting it. I just don't get why they don't offer the three different vaccines if that's what the parents want instead of doing mmr combo shot.
  • When I got my daughters shot done when I got there they gave me print out with negatives and positive it didn't go more one way then the other. Which I like that my kids Dr office gives me handouts before they get any shots.
  • My sister is a scientific researcher in the labs at case western univ and previously at the univ of colorado and I had asked her to look into this and according to everything she has has come across there isn't a corelation between the two , except that maybe the vaccine may be safer when held off until about 18 months rather than the normal 12 months of age . So we waited until 18 months to do the vacc for my daughter.
  • If this were true why are the rates increasing? I had that shot along with most of you. Hoestly that was not a well written article at all. I did not see one reference and the writer is clearlt biased that make it a bad article. Maybe even a joke!! That's why there is a provax article to counter it.
  • You're right @ashley_smashley I guess I meant the implied mandatory status. I do know parents who've struggled to get exemptions. :-/ That should never be the case.
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