right side pain help

edited November 2013 in Pregnant

This is my 4th pregnancy and I have this constant right side pain. Its only on the right side of my stomach down to by pelvic area. Is anyone else having a similar problem. Its a dual type pain if I push where it hurts its not painful at all. I go to drs on Wednesday for my 16 week checkup. This has only been going on since Sunday. I appreciate any advice


  • At first I was thinking appendix, but it'd hurt super bad. Could also be an ovarian cyst. I had a giant one (golf ball sized) that caused a huge amount of pain. It ended up bursting on its own, which is what they're supposed to do. I think it's supposed to burst at around 12 weeks, mine bursted around 20 weeks. Cysts are pretty normal though, they help support the pregnancy. Could also be round ligament pain from your uterus growing. You can ask for an ultrasound so they can keep an eye on it if it's a cyst. Hope this helps.
  • @fate thank you I called nurses line today they want me to come in and see Dr they don't want me to wait just in case if its something serious. I'm hoping nothing serious. The nurse said something about ruling out bladder infection
  • Eek! Hopefully it isn't serious. Best of luck Hun!
  • I have a uti and have to start meds right away
  • Well thats no fun but glad you found out now so you can feel better soon!
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