ladies does this look positive to you?
Long story short I made a joke ab being prego and then my mom and best friend said what if you are so I tested and this is wha came up...7-8dpo..hubs its scheduled for his vasectomy in three weeks...
Did you download the new app and create a new log-on? Even if you use the same name you need to sign up anew. I don't know what to do. I just got a new iPhone and just got back into the old forum through safari, but now I won't be able to get into the new one on the iPhone or computer!
I would've demanded an ultrasound! Push that food baby out and be all like, "Just look how pregnant I appear to be - I need a confirmation and dating ultrasound STAT! If I'm pregnant I'm high-risk! You need to help me, I'm having contractions as we speak!" :-D