@willothewisp ya.I know all that already we just tried for second glad she didn't like it anyways. I'm just gonna keep on trying my best will see what happens. I know she's getting the food she has good amount of diapers so I'm not too worried.
@adri805 ill get pic up when we get home I can't do it from my phone for some stupid reason..but shes been doing great today as well..I guess it was just last night she couldn't make up her mind or something. Hopefully things continue going well like they r now
OMG! I missed it! Congratulations! Hope you and your little one's are doing well. About your milk, you know what's best for your little one. Nothing wrong with formula. Post pics soon!
@adri805 @monkey_girl @perly Thank you girls! I'm feeling very well they only going is the "good" cramping during feedings but I know that's normal and just my uterus shrinking, although I did get lucky again and stomach went flat as soon as she was out but there tiny uterus left can't really see though. I am breastfeeding it's going very well compared to our first. She has no problem with latching. I know its not perfect according to the lady at the hospital after she asked if it hurt my nipples during her sucking sometimes. But she has all the boob in there I make sure she's just a hard sucker. My boobs need to get used to it I think she's doing great! Now just hope once all the milk comes in I have good supply unlike last time. It's nice to be home already we were at the hospital total of 27 hrs..I'll try get my hubby to get pic up tomorrow..hopefully I don't forget!
So glad you didn't have to get induced. Glad everything went good and that Scarlett loves her sisters. You're home already? Here's to a speedy recovery. Scarlett is gonna love being a big sister. Can't wait for pictures.
@veevee yes I was home fast! Got lucky this time..Scarlett loves her baby sister but.little too much lol. Shes not sool gental sometimes we have to keep our eyes on her.
Thank you girls! I'm feeling very well they only going is the "good" cramping during feedings but I know that's normal and just my uterus shrinking, although I did get lucky again and stomach went flat as soon as she was out but there tiny uterus left can't really see though. I am breastfeeding it's going very well compared to our first. She has no problem with latching. I know its not perfect according to the lady at the hospital after she asked if it hurt my nipples during her sucking sometimes. But she has all the boob in there I make sure she's just a hard sucker. My boobs need to get used to it I think she's doing great! Now just hope once all the milk comes in I have good supply unlike last time. It's nice to be home already we were at the hospital total of 27 hrs..I'll try get my hubby to get pic up tomorrow..hopefully I don't forget!