Bottle Warmers.
Anyone have a great one thats not expensive that they'd recommend? I haven't ever used one before so im clueless I do like this one from walmart but im just not sure if playtex drop ins would explode inside.
Theres also this one from target that I really seem to like since there is a cooler inside and I wouldnt have to buy a mini fridge for my room.
I think I like the target one.. hmmm.
Im confused. ! Help lol.
Theres also this one from target that I really seem to like since there is a cooler inside and I wouldnt have to buy a mini fridge for my room.
I think I like the target one.. hmmm.
Im confused. ! Help lol.
@1stwoodsbaby you should've returned it
Like wilsomom, I just used room temp water and formula after I stopped nursing.
@1stwoodsbaby oh okay I see
@debs thanks !
I think I came up with a conclusion witch works for both kids and can benefit me too in awesome ways!
I have a brand new coffee pot I can use. Ill place it on my dresser or a shelf and make hot water in the coffee pot. Add the hot water and some room temp/cold water to the bottle to make it warm and add the powdered formula to baby number 2's bottle. Then use the remaining water to heat up kid number 1's milk (we have a tiny fridge in the room I can keep the cows milk cold in.) Ill just put the water in a cup and place the bottle in the cup.. then while the kids are drinking their milk I can make coffee for me lol. Ill just keep everything upstairs with me lol. Im a genius lol.