Hello again!! :D
Well, its been a couple years since I have been on here, and Im sure a whole lot has changed. New members, new pregnancies, new news, new problems, and many many new lives. I figured I would join back up since *gasp* Im pregnant AGAIN! How exciting right?! Im about 2 to 2 1/2 weeks and just found out YESTERDAY! Already have a midwife established and am totally ready to just DO this! This time around I want to do this the way I only dreamed of last time
with some added plans.
A little about myself:
My name is Samantha, Im 22, live in Oregon. Im approx due August 20, 2014 very much a *SURPRISE* baby. My first was born October 3, 2011. He is the ultimate picture of health. His dad dipped out and is the definition of a dead beat. Which at this point I am thankful for because he is not a good person and life is a lot easier with out him. I have a boyfriend who takes very good care of us and we both love very much, this is his baby on the way
We are very surprised, not ready, but extremely excited and this baby is very very very wanted. My life is pretty crazy, Im a "total hippy" so Im told, I do the whole organic, natural, gluten free (as much as possible as my man has celiac's so we try to accommodate), old fashioned, Dreadlock, free spirited ball of peace, love, and happiness. I work my ass off at an animal shelter called PAWS
I love my job, very much! I was here when Pregly was I believe quite a lot less than a year old, and I am absolutely stoked to be back!
Happy Pregnancies Everyone

A little about myself:
My name is Samantha, Im 22, live in Oregon. Im approx due August 20, 2014 very much a *SURPRISE* baby. My first was born October 3, 2011. He is the ultimate picture of health. His dad dipped out and is the definition of a dead beat. Which at this point I am thankful for because he is not a good person and life is a lot easier with out him. I have a boyfriend who takes very good care of us and we both love very much, this is his baby on the way

Happy Pregnancies Everyone
