another little baby & possible induction

edited December 2013 in Pregnant
So as most of you know I have a history of iugr babies, my daughter was 5lbs 11oz and I was induced at 39 weeks.
I went to my last specialist ultrasound yesterday and at a little over 37 weeks my baby has gained less than a lb in 2 weeks and is at a staggering 4lbs 15oz. He said that if she doesn't come on her own by 39 weeks I will be induced again just like last time because she will grow and thrive better outside the womb. So what's the problem you ask? Well I'll be 39 weeks exact on Christmas!! my daughter is finally 2 and able to have fun with it and I'm hoping to see her floor the first time be able to really open up gifts and enjoy herself! I'm hoping my ob will agree to schedule an induction on the 21st or 22nd if needed that way if everything goes well we will be home either Christmas eve or the day before. That way I get to see my baby girl light up Christmas morning and eat all that delicious food my in laws cook every year! Lol. I have an appointment Monday and will talk to her about it then, hopefully she'll be understanding and ok with it!


  • I think that's a reasonable request. You're close enough so hopefully your doc is cool. Good luck.
  • Thanks I've got my fingers and toes crossed that she'll be for it!
  • If she's not going to agree to that then maybe you can hold off until the 27th or so.
  • Yea if not before than after wouldn't be good. I'm confused I mean if she's small just let her keep cooking until she's ready..if she comes out small than it will still be same thing she will continue growing on the daughter was measuring small entire time and I went in labor at 40 weeks 2 days and she end up getting to 6 pounds 5 oz. You never know exactly the size of the baby those things aren't perfect.
  • I agree with Jules, why not just let her keep cooking inside? If there is no fetal distress then what's the harm? Also keep in mind that weight measurements inside the womb are just guesses, and can be way off!
  • I agree. My son was 5lbs at 35 weeks and he was born at 8lbs. Why not go all the way to your due date? Or at least the weekend before your due date. Maybe by then your baby will be 5 or 6lbs?
  • Hope everything goes good! Keep us updated
  • Tomorrow is they day the final decision gets made! I'm super nervous but content either way I suppose, as long as baby girl is healthy!
  • edited December 2013
    I saw her pic and she is so pretty! Her hair is amazing! Congrats!
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