Day 11 of My Relactation Journey.



  • Walgreens actually sells Mothers something or other - it has fenugreek and milk thistle and stuff. Its in the vitamin section in a white bottle. Mom holding a baby in the air (cartoon/outline pic). Fenugreek and others can be found at Walmart as well. I'm glad to hear its going well.
  • edited December 2013
    @Mijita: What's Sprouts?

    @jules: Yeah. I hate when that happens. I usually power pump (ten minutes on, ten minutes off) the day after my period starts. I'm gonna try luvmy5 technique to see if it help too.

    @luvmy5: I have some Mothers Milk, it wasn't helping much. I'm going to try that Mothers "something" at Walgreens. I got the fenugreek from Walmart, but my LC was talking about some from GNC, I'm going to try out once I run out. I hope I don't need to though.

    As for getting baby back on breast. I tricked him again but once he realized he was on my breast, he stopped looked up at me and started crying out lol. This let's me know he can latch on, he just doesn't want to. So I'm working on it.
  • @luvmy5: So when you were power pumping did you only power pump for that first week or did you power pump and pump regularly? If that makes sense.
  • Well I hope you find something that helps!
  • edited December 2013
    @jules: How the baby?
  • Good! She started sleeping 4 hrs straight at night so that helps since she's much more awake during the day. Plus I'm busy with my two year old so it's none stop around here. Kinda can't wait until she's little bigger so she can sleep through the night I could use some rest. Since my hubby works nights he sleeps a lot of the day so I'm up what seems like 24/7. But both the girls are feeling well, Scarlett been great with her baby sister, Addeline is very good breastfeeding and I'm very thankful no supply issues this time around!
  • @jules: Glad there is no supply issues this time around. Glad thungs are going well with the kids. I know how it feels, I still don't get much sleep and Elijah is 3 months. I hope thungs get better with the rest.
  • I noticed results after a week but I continued to power pump until I got where I was happy with and then I went back to regular pumping and nursing and drank plenty of fluids and made sure (set a alarm) to pump.
  • Thanks! Me too. How many times does he wake up at night? I think I'm going to start and try keeping Addeline up more during the day not just before bed time. What ive been doing is putting Scarlett down for bed then I get started with my bedtime routine for Addeline and try to keep her up for couple hrs. That way she's extra sleepy and most times sleeps longer.
  • @luvmy5 but did you only pump 5 times a day or pumped regularly throughout the day as well.
  • @jules: Sounds like a good plan. I hope it works and you can start getting more sleep.
  • Yea the plan is much easier said then done lol. Im trying to keep her up its impossible she just keeps going back to sleep. But I am not giving up :)
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