Dr or hospital?
My Ob switched hospital affiliations and I'm freaking out. I'm ttc and love love love my Ob, I trust him more than any of my Drs but I hate this new hospital he delivers at. I really trust the staff at the hospital that he used to be affiliated with and haven't had any positive experiences at the new one. Having a great Dr is super important but so is a great nursing team when its show time. I wish I could see my Dr and then show up at the other hospital when its go time!!
With my first the hospital I chose had a GREAT ER, And the triage for l&d the nurses were amazing also. However when it came down to l&d nurses they were HORRIBLE I had the WORST birthing experience with my first because of the nurse. She wouldnt let me press the epi button, she stood after her shift to make sure I continue natural when I didnt want to, and she used johnsons baby shampoo as a lubricant for dialation checks not to mention the huge diamond rings she and the rest of the staff wore under their gloves for dialation checks, The nurse started to argue and get loud with my mom becausr my mom was asking "too many" questions. Thats just a bit of my experiance. It was absolutely horrifying. But they did have a great nicu that my baby had to be in for 4 days. So it was worth the pain. Im not delivering there ever again. Pretty sure when it was over my mom got the nurse fired. Apparently I wasnt the only one she did that with.
I say if you have a good hospital stick with it, but then again your gut feeling isnt ever wrong so if you feel the need to stay with him then stay. Your in a tricky situation since the nurses do mostly all the work.
Thank god the nurse that was a nightmare left! Horrible nurses have no idea how much they affect ladies in labor. There should be a law that they cant be mean or something.. lol. I wish.