I think she dropped. Plus some of my problems I want to complain about lol
So im almost 34 weeks and I been having sharp pains down below, lightening pain on my tailbone, I feel as if shes pulling on the umbilical cord, my pelvic hurts so much worst then it did before and when she hiccups I feel it on the outside coming from my vagina. I also believe I lost a *tiny* piece of my mucus plug yesterday.
Im soooooooo tired and exhausted all the time.
My back hurts
Im sick with a cold and cant stop coughing so my ribs are extremely sore from the coughing fits. Plus I keep coughing and peeing so I have to wear a pad! Its so much work trying hold your bladder during a coughing fit!.
My toddler is sick too
(My grandma helps me tremendously with her so I can feel better thank God!)
Pelvic pain is killing me
I have so much to get ready for and i have zero energy.
Im soooooooo tired and exhausted all the time.
My back hurts
Im sick with a cold and cant stop coughing so my ribs are extremely sore from the coughing fits. Plus I keep coughing and peeing so I have to wear a pad! Its so much work trying hold your bladder during a coughing fit!.
My toddler is sick too

Pelvic pain is killing me
I have so much to get ready for and i have zero energy.
@pumpkincupcake0307 we got this