I think she dropped. Plus some of my problems I want to complain about lol

So im almost 34 weeks and I been having sharp pains down below, lightening pain on my tailbone, I feel as if shes pulling on the umbilical cord, my pelvic hurts so much worst then it did before and when she hiccups I feel it on the outside coming from my vagina. I also believe I lost a *tiny* piece of my mucus plug yesterday.

Im soooooooo tired and exhausted all the time.
My back hurts
Im sick with a cold and cant stop coughing so my ribs are extremely sore from the coughing fits. Plus I keep coughing and peeing so I have to wear a pad! Its so much work trying hold your bladder during a coughing fit!.
My toddler is sick too :( (My grandma helps me tremendously with her so I can feel better thank God!)
Pelvic pain is killing me
I have so much to get ready for and i have zero energy.


  • Oh I'm sorry. I was sick at the end of my pregnancy no fun at all..try get rest when you can, drink lots fluids, vitamin c would be best. And hope you feel better soon!
  • Bummer. I had a cold at the end of my pregnancy too. It sucks because you can't take anything and peeing your pants sucks. I'm still having trouble with that. Feel better.
  • @jules and @frantastic thanks ladies for replying. Sorry I havent got back to you guys today I been busy with drs appts and pharmacys.. turns out I have bronchitis. Im so miserable. Dr prescribed me Augmentin antibiotics and told me I can take robatussin (sp?) So I just took that and now im just relaxing. My grandma took care of my daughter all day today thank God and shes spending the night to take care of her for me. Its so difficult. Im totally miserable and I feel as if im going to cough myself into labor my ribs are so sore. Ahhh. :'(
  • Oh no I'm sorry :(... hope you feel better in the morning!
  • At least you have your gram to help out. Feel better and who knows, if you cough yourself into labor maybe it'll go quicker lol.
  • I know the feeling hun! We will get through this!
  • @frantastic lololol that made me laugh :)

    @pumpkincupcake0307 we got this :) even if we feel like sh*t lol
  • Lol! I had to go into triage on Thursday bc my blood pressure spiked so they were worried about pre eclampsia but it went back down. I have sinus infection and its so bad it goes to my teeth on my left side of my mouth and pains me :( along with round ligament :/
  • @pumpkincupcake0307 Ahhh mannnn right when your about to have ur c section too :( these sicknesses suck! I hope u feel better asap!
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