Thinking about getting a jumperoo/exersaucer for DS.
My DS loves to bounce. He loves bouncing. He will be sitting on my lap and once I pull him up he starts bouncing. He really is bouncing and having a ball doing it. I try to stop him then he starts hollering until I start bouncing him again.
Now I'm thinking of buying either a jumperoo or exersaucer for him. My arms gets tired from bouncing him. He holds his head up a little bit. So I might buy a tummy time pillow or a bed pillow behind him for support.
Now I'm thinking of buying either a jumperoo or exersaucer for him. My arms gets tired from bouncing him. He holds his head up a little bit. So I might buy a tummy time pillow or a bed pillow behind him for support.
@MommyLovesSparkle: Lol aww.
@1stWoodsBaby: I've been hearing that. I am going with the jumperoo instead. I saw a few nice ones online.