i got my positive test!!!

So there is my test that I just took!! The weird thing is that Christmas night and yesterday I was having bad pains in my left ovary area...called my Dr and he sent me to the ER to make sure I didn't have an ectopic preg. I must have implanted last night bc they did a beta hcg on me around 7pm yesterday and it came back at 2 (negative) and now I just got a positive hpt. I see my ob on Monday to check my levels again (he trusts that I know my body so when I called and said I think I'm prego he got everything started). I started my progesterone tonight (he called it in yesterday based on me telling him I thought I could be prego.) I'm so excited and so nervous. 3 under the age of three!!! Come on sticky baby!!!
I rarely log on to this but when I do I get excited to see you girls having more and more babies