Day 29: My Relactation Journey.

edited January 2014 in Breastfeeding
My son was born September 15, 2013. I was breastfeeding him but stopped due to his slow weight gain. I first thought it was my milk supply but turned out my son had Larynogalomacia. He was diagnosed in November. I decided I wanted to start breastfeeding again but I didn't know how to. So I talked to a LC and she gave me some tips.

I officially started my journey on December 5th. I wasn't getting much at all in the beginning I barely got an ounce a week. As time on went on I noticed my drops were getting bigger and I was pumping about 0.5oz a day. On Day 11 I pumped 3oz. Everything was going good until I went back to work. I stopped pumping as much due to being tired then with Christmas I was shopping a lot. I got off track and it was almost like starting over. So I started power pumping each session since December 27th. My supply caught back up.

Day 29 (Today) I pumped these two bottles in 7 days. That's 7oz. So that's almost an ounce a day. I read on that bottles in the fridge last 8 days. So I'm contemplating on whether or not I should feed him these bottles or if I should store them in the freezer. Right now he has been drinking formula. I know it is up to me on what I should do but I would really like to read you ladies opinion. Thanks in advance.



  • If it was my baby I would mix it with his formula I did that with my son at 11 months switching over to formula. If I froze it I would forget to use it. I three a lot of milk away because I forgot
  • Thank @ debs. I'm thinking of feeding him an ounce or two of breast milk then give him the rest in formula. This way I won't have to throw it away if he doesn't finish.
  • @veevee I think its amazing your still trying to give him breast milk. I think most moms when they got formula they just give up totally on breast milk. I gave up with my first and wish I would have kept trying even if it was a couple ounces and mostly formula
  • I would give him the first half of his regular feeding on breastmilk then rest in formula that way you know for sure none of the really good nutrition is going to waste because be can't finish or if we're mixed you can't put that back in the fridge. And I personally wouldn't freeze in your case but let my kid have the nutrients now it's only going to help build good immune system no need to wait the younger they are the better I think.
  • Thank you @deb. I have thought about quitting but I know I would never forgive myself if I did stop. Seeing these results only made me want to continue pumping and getting him to latch. He is doing better with that.

    @jules I ended up giving it to him this morning. All of it. This morning I pumped an ounce and it's waiting in the fridge until I reach at least an two ouncr then I'll give him that. Im pumping every two to three hours around the clock and I still have time for my son. He is slowly coming around to relatching.
  • That's great!!! I been having to pump extra last night and today because I've been having some bleeding and been tired and crazy busy so that causes stress so my supply has been I've been going out of my way to pump little more In between hopefully it's just short term thing and I don't get to place I which I have to do formula as it was with our first.
  • Yay! Keep up the good work Mama! You're doing amazing! :)
  • I think if you switch back and forth too much you'll upset his stomach. If I was you I'd buy a nipple shield (target, babies r us..) and just try to nurse him instead of spending so much time pumping. Your supply will probably skyrocket if you do that.
  • @jules I hope it's short term too. I know how you feel in the stress department. I'm praying it doesn't lead to formula for you.

    @Ourlittlenugget Thank you.

    @starrxoxo9 I have a nipple shield the problem is him being stubborn and not wanting to latch. I'm trying to be consistent and offer the breast before and after each feeding and I'm trying to comfort him with the boob instead of the pacifier. I'm hoping and praying that he'll eventually just latch with or without nipple shield.
  • Thanks im doing much better all the traveling is done. Back to 2 kids much easier then 3. Hubby been helping more on his days of which is great I've even gotten tiny nap during the day. My supply is doing just fine. Thankfully at this point not even close to having to use formula! I'm gonna keep praying it stays that way. I might have had a small period that could have been part of the reason it dipped for little bit and the stress of traveling. But things are going well now. Hubby works next 4 days hopping I feel the same by then lol
  • edited January 2014
    That's good to hear @jules.
  • I'm proud of you!
  • Yes I was worried for little. Thought here we go again ya is it going for you?
  • You are doing awesome!!!
  • edited January 2014
    @luvmy5 & @kenzie0713: Thank you.

    @jules: it has been tiring. I had a few issues with work and it effected me a little. I had stopped pumping gor a while but I started back again. I'm more persistent now I'm still working on getting Elijah back to breast, he has really been resisting. If he sees my breast he'll have a fit and push away and screaming like crazy. I went to my first Lactation Club last week they said they never seen a baby react like Elijah. It's been vary frustrating.
  • Well maybe it's just a lot of work for him and his frustrated because his hungry that's the only way for him to express that. He knows he can get satisfied with the bottle and not with the breast because your not producing the amount he wants in one sitting you know. He thinks that the bottle is the natural way and his more used to the taste of formula. So his acting like most breasfed names babies would if they were given formula in bottle. It's not natural to him. I know it's frustrating I had that experience with our first daughter. But imagine how frustrated and confused he is. I would keep with the pumping if you think your supply is improving some breastmilk is better then none. I stopped pumping once I was only producing 2oz in 24 hrs and I was always pumping, drinking lots water and fluids, special teas, Gatorade, taking fenugreek and mothers milk supplements. That's when all those things were taking soo much time that I could be spending with my baby and coasting more money then saving from breasfeeding. Keep trying until you feel best for you and baby.
  • edited January 2014
    Thank you @jules. I'm understanding that it is confusing and frustrating for him too. I'm just gonna continue to pump. I pump when he sleeps so I'm not missing out. He still sleeps/naps every 2 to 3 hours. I also work mornings. I pump before work, which he is sleep (5am) and I pump after work. Before I pump I play with him, then pump when he takes his nap. He naps at 2 and I get home at 12:40 or 1 depending on traffic. The pumping doesn't get in the way of our time together. I do lots of skin to skin and my LC recommended doing minibaths together, like rebirthing, it'll remind me of coming out the womb. She also recommended pace feeding. I'm giving myself the dealine of March 1st. If I haven't build up a good supply by then. Then its strictly formula and no regrets.
  • Well hopefully things are improving for you! I would just start pumping every two hrs no matter what for now and see what happens.
  • @jules I pump every two hours except at night because he is usually awake for awhile. So between 7 and 10 i don't pump until he gies to sleep and because I missed two pump sessions, I power pump after he sleeps. He is usually down by 8:30pm, but some nights its 9:45pm. I dont pump between 1 & 4. I sleep those hours for work. I just asked my job if I could pump at work. I'm off for a week so I'm hoping I can add a session at work when I return, which they can't deny me anyway.
  • That's great! Have you been seeing improvement? Yes you can pump at work they can't say no..I always did on my breaks and lunch.
  • @jules: Actually I haven't seen any improvement. It seems like a decrease. I don't know if it's stress getting to me. I think I should just forget about getting him back to breast and just pump. Him rejecting last night was just too much for me.
  • This is kind of on and off topic, but I abruptly stopped breast feeding at 14 months due to hospiitilisation and didn't bf since. My son turned two in July and I suddenly began producing again. My son began breast feeding from my breasts for a few min a day (no pump, sold it). I was shocked. If you can keep up, do it! So glad you're trying so hard!
  • Yea I think I would just pump at this point. but that's just me. I hope with the pumping their will be an increase!
  • Thank you @captivated it is hard but I know I can do it. Some days I want to quit but I keep reminding myself why I'm doing this.

    @jules that's pretty much what I'm doing. Just pumping I still try once a day but I'm almost at the point of just pumping and letting him be.

    I'm about an ounce to 1½ a session, sometimes 3oz. Instead of putting it in the fridge I just give it him before I give him his formula.
  • That's good! So his getting 3oz a day now?.I would do the same just keep doing that very good for him! Also one these days if you have breastmilk storage bag freez one it's great for things like pink eye and many other things. My kids thank God never had one but if they do you just drop tiny on there I guess it clears right up much better then having to go to the doc and use drops for days.
  • @jules I read an article about breastfeeding being used to cure a lot of things. Yes he gets about 3-4oz a day. I also changed my diet to a lot of greens, fruits and veggies. I'm woking out now too. I've become a smoothie addict. Of course lots if water.
  • Yummy love smoothies. We juice a lot around here! Good for you :) glad things are goin well
  • I'm glad u haven't age up yet!!! That's awesome :)
  • @adri805: Thank you.

    @jules: Me too. Thank you.
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