My 4yr old takes dance been dancing for two years. She is the youngest one out of all her classes the other kids are 5-8 her teacher said she wanted her with older kids the younger ones were holding her back. So today in class my daughter peed her self not like her to do this never happened before teacher carried her out told me what happened said it wasn't my daughters fault that she was in class and the teacher was talking to a adult and didn't want to interrupt so she wanted till her teach was done talking but as she was telling her teacher she peed. Well you would think the parents would be nicer to my lil girl but no all the parents and kids just starred at her giving her nasty looks. I'm pissed my daughter is half the age for some of these girls she was trying to respect her teacher and have manners. The parents made me so mad they could see my daughter turned red and had tears in her eyes of embarrassment