not looking too good
Just left the ER bc of being faint, dizzy and having chest pain. Since I'm prego they did a beta and an beta came back at 7390 and on the ultrasound they saw a few low level echos but no fetal pole or definite yolk sac. Sac is 8mm same size as it was a week ago. ER doc called it and said its a failed pregnancy. Remember my last period was December 5th or 6th so Im only 4 weeks complete. I called one of my clients who works at my obs office and she off the record told me that its wayyy too early to expect to see anything, my levels are increasing which is good and to call the office in the morning and that with the ER Dr saying that anything over 1500 with hcg should produce an embryo that he is a fool. I have a bad feeling ab this but am trying to stay positive...not potassium is low which is what caused my original symptoms. I'm in tears and don't know what to do. @luvmy5 ever heard of this !?!?
:'(:'( ladies Help!!!

@ourlittlenugget thank you, for now on I am skipping going there!!
@2lilblessings I'm scared too girl...we can do this!!
@wilsomom thank you. Being this early its tough because the range of what's normal is so large.
Its so nice to hear from all of you ladies again, I was wondering who else was still around!!