mom with older kids 4+

edited January 2014 in Ages & Stages
My daughter is going to me 5 in April and trying to decided when she doesn't need a baby monitor anymore. When is a good age? I love to keep any eye on her. But I know she is getting older and don't know when to take it out. We hopefully will have another lil boy in may. I need to get a monitor for him I have the summer infant with two cameras the other is on my 2yr old. Both the lil ones will be in one room but we will need to monitors one for each. I can't find any extra video cameras for this anymore do you think its time for my 4 yr old to not have one or should I just buy a single monitor and camera for new baby?


  • edited January 2014
    When my step daughter who is 7 now was 3 she no longer had one I think it's me then time. My 2 year old doesn't have one anymore and we actually rarely used it with her mostly when she was baby and when we're out of town visiting family. Give it a try one night see how it goes.
  • @Jules I'll have to try for one night. I use my monitors all the time even during the day to spy on them. I never gone with out one. My daughter will cry in the middle of the night and sleep walk. I got the oldest kid with my group of friends so its hard to ask them because my second is the same age as theirs and they still use their monitors
  • Well heres my advice make sure her room is perfectly safe mostly to make urself feel better if u think she might wake up and walk. And just keep telling urself that it she needs u shes old enough to call for u or just come get you and most kids do perfectly fine on their own. And ur great mother this one change doesn't change that I know I can get in my own head sometimes with those kids.of things. And I wish u luck no matter what promise urself to try one night!. Then take moment next day see how u really think it went and not how.u feel if that makes sense.
  • If she still wakes up and sleepwalks, I'd wait to remove them until she is older. I still use mine for my girls, just for peace of mind. I'm a crazy mom though. ;)
  • I haven't done one night yet and the way she is going I can't even try to. Every night I put her to bed she won't stay in her room it takes hrs to get her to go to sleep. And this past few days she has gotten up 2-3 a night for water or bathroom break. And my 2yr old has been extremely bad idk if its cause im pregnant but he got into the crib that's suppose to be for baby and pooped and peed in it. Which he is potty trained but not a night but he knows he is suppose to call me he has been doing this more and more lately when he never did that he would tell me.
  • Well if she's going through bad sleeping stage doesn't hurt to wait for things to get more stable. Hopefully it passes soon so you can get some rest ! My step daughter did that around her age. But in her case it was any excuse to come out her room to see what we were going lol..bathroom breaks, water, she's cold, can't find certain stuffed animal. I fixed that fast she didn't see it coming then she had no excuse to come out. We told her no drinking after certain time before bed so she wouldn't keep having to get up..But to drink lots during the day so shes not thirsty at night..she believed us lol..then we made sure all get little animals were there and she had big blanket so she wouldn't get cold. Hehe...
  • @Jules that sounds like my daughter. It doesn't help that when I put my kids to bed my dh isn't home to help me enforce staying in bed he doesn't come home till 11:30pm. I have a child safety lock on my sons room just till he goes to sleep then I take it off. I would put one on her door but she knows how to open it.
  • Yes that's hard my hubby works until 5amb so I'm always doing the evening stuff and bedtime routines on my own I guess I'm used to it.
  • I stopped using a monitor with my daughter when she was a year and half but our rooms are right next to eachother and I'm a super light sleeper so every little noise wakes me up and with the monitor I was getting up so much every night ad wasn't learning to put herself back to sleep. I also have recently started gating her into her room because she would wake up in the middle of night and run right into our room still half asleep and now she walks to the gate and then goes back to her bed and back to sleep. If she's really awake I hear her cry and go in to put her back to bed. She is 2 now.
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