Natural birth
I want to try to have a natural birth this time around with no pain meds. I made it to 7.5 with my last one...I really hope I can donit this time. It's on my bucket list lol. Any advice to help me during my contractions? I have about 5 weeks left or a little less.
I stayed at home as long as possible, (don't leave it too long though, I progressed far quicker 2nd time & it took me a bit by surprise - only made it to the hospital 15 mins before I gave birth & was 9cm dilated) I kept myself distracted watching tv & playing games on my tablet, kept myself mobile in between contractions, during contractions I found kneeling & leaning on to a chair helped a long with focusing on my breathing whilst counting (it helped me to concentrate on something other than the pain & to know when each contraction was nearly over) Bit weird but sitting on a toilet is a good position to labour in, they encourage it on midwife led birthing units in the U.K.
Lastly the other thing that helped was reminding myself labour does not last forever even if it does feel like it at the time!!!
@willothewisp thanks or the advice! U r right....I just got to keep myself distracted as long as possible. I can do it, I have to. I really want to lol. Just this once. I'm pretty good with pain but we will c. I hope I'm not tortured long and she comes quick lol. I'm just worried bc I want to give birth where my other two were born and I live 45 minutes away. I am determined to attempt to go all the way with no meds. Have u ever heard if showering helps?? With my last I was in so much pain I didn't even want to get up. I should have walked around but I was too buy trying to strangle the nurse lol
Motivated to do it even more! I plan on possibly having a fourth years down the road....maybe bc I want my boy but I definitely want to try to go all natural. I'm just a little nervous to feel the epsitomy since I had it done with both of my previous girls. Did u tear?
@jules I don't think it was u, it was just my pregnant noodle brain lol. I agree, no home birth lol