Implantation bleeding

edited September 2014 in Pregnant
So I was due for my period Sept 10th but on the Second I had some brownish bleeding. So on the tenth i started spotting brownish then pinkish then some red and of course though hey af is on her way whatever. Then the 11th I wake up and back to brown again and some cramping so im like what? So I go out and buy a pack of Answer tests and take one. Immediately says positive. Take one two hrs later bc I cant believe it. Bam positive. Then today the 12th minor spotting went for dark red to brown. Still having some cramping and of course frequent trips to the bathroom. I dont want to get my hopes up but I cant help being excited. Taking it one day at a time hoping this baby cooks. Our Edd from the twins was 9/15/14 and such a blessing to be pregnant this cycle. Please pray for us.


  • Just bought another pack of tests took the first darker line (not fmu)
  • I had bleeding in the first trimester with this baby. First was at 5 weeks, went to the dr and he put me on progesterone sap posies. The next few times it happened I swore I had lost the baby with so much blood but every time I called the dr he had me come in and do an ultrasound and our bean was still there. My last bleed was at 12 weeks, any yet again everything was fine. I was labeled with menses while pregnant since it always seemed to fallow the days I was suppose to get af. I am now 34w3d with baby boy and he is measuring 2 weeks ahead. It never get easier once you have experienced a loss but like you said it is best to take one day at a time. Once I did make it to 16 weeks I bought a home doppler and that has helped a lot for me. I still use it every other day even though baby boys legs can been seen by my hubby when he moves. A little secret, I am still scared out of my mind that I am going to loose this one too. In 10 yrs of ttc and a failed adoption, I have one stillborn son- Caleb who I lost at 20w5d due to incompetent cervix, a set of twins at 9 weeks after a bad car accident, and a blighted ovum to get this far. Keep you chin up and keep pushing foreword.
  • @Timebandit thank you for your responses and I am sorry for your loss. My bleeding is mostly brown like with my previous one. Thats what worries me. But my levels yesterday were 5,365 so thats a good sign and we saw a gestational sac. Doctor said my cervix was closed so the bleeding mist be coming from outside the cervix? It is a waiting game for now.
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