
edited January 2011 in August 2011
What all symptoms are yall having seems like im having all of them im always sick smell everything cant take my vitiams hard stomach cant sleep through a night without haven to get up a few times to pee some small cramps and always tired and im only 8 weeks and 5 days


  • I'm nauseous later in the day, get cramps all the time, DEFINITELY can't sleep thru the night without peeing, and I also have a hard time taking my vitamins Cuz they're so large. I haven't had a big problem with smells just that now I can't fry chicken in my house Cuz that's one smell that makes me wana severely puke but cooking it any other way or in a different place is fine lol
  • Lol well my fiance smokes and everytime I smell it I throw up so he goes outside now an the cramping botheres me bc I miscarried last july
  • Feeling light cramping is normal it means your baby is growing and you can feel it when you cramp. As long as your not bleeding the cramping is ok. I read online that if you have morning sickness your chances of miscarriage go down a lot. Said those who have miscarriage experienced no sickness at all. So everytime I'm sick I count it as a blessing lol and a pain. But worth it. B6 & B12 helps not to be sick. Also eating a snack every couple hours, eat late at nite and sleep in if you can. It's really helped me.
  • I stayed in bed for about a month bc everything made me sick. Smelling eggs, meat, anything! So I forced myself to eat bc the empty stomach makes it worse =^
  • Yea my dr had to proscribe me zonfran bc of how much I was throwing up its finally slowd down im almost three months now
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