how comw no one will hire you if your pregnant

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
This subject makes me so mad, my last job fired me bc I was pregnant and that was 3 days before Xmas... I've been searching since then and no one will hire me. It's so stupid just bc I'm pregnant doesn't mean I cant work. And I need a job bc I'm supporting myself and I have bills... no help from baby daddy he left me to. Any suggestions on working somewhere?


  • Geico? Maybe. I'm having thesame issue but I also have no car:( one of the many reasons why I cry so often. Good luck and Congrats!
  • i2s illegal in,australia
  • @steph_s90 I'm not sure where you stay but If you have any call center experience I would try answering services they are very flexible and because the work is not physical they are more likely to hire you.... I am the manager of a tax office so my job ends April 22nd and I am due May 1 after I have baby I am looking to go back to answerng services I like them.
  • I'm pretty sure its illegal in America and the UK too, but they its hard to prove.
  • edited March 2011
    @steph_s90 this same thing happened to me, got fired because I was pregnant then nobody would hire me for the same reason, it is illegal but they do it anyway because you can't prove it. I contacted a few temp agencies and a couple turned me down but one found me a position until the day before I gave birth. Good luck and I hope you find something...
  • Im so sorry to hear this...I certainly understand that you need to work.. being a supervisor... I want to hire someone who is going to be here... training is 2 and 1/2 months and to know if i hired someone already pregnant it would mean I would be short staff again very soon... and I work in a call center... would not be favorable... it is illegal to discriminate but very hard to prove... Hang in there!!!
  • Thanks hopefully I find something soon :)
  • i got fired from my last the day after they found out i was pregnant and even though i was just starting to show....still can't find husband doesn't fully understand why i'm not enthusiastic about job searching lol it really does suck
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