Leaving for bootcamp.

edited March 2011 in Military moms
On march 15th my boyfriend is ganna leave for bootcamp. Im 15 almost 16 weeks pregnant....i get really depressed when I think about him being gone for 2 months.....how do you guys coupe with the absence of your babys dad.....


  • Lol I remember when my now husband went to basic...(then my fiance) NAKED PICS GALORE! Lol sex letters, stayed busy, countdowns, family functions etc.

    Good luck!
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  • Thanks guys! I wish I could wrap my head around it fully but I cant. I feel like when the day comes n he goes to get sworn in before he leaves im ganna freak out! I gatta be strong tho. Stress isnt good for the baby. My main issue right now is if hes ganna be there for the birth.
  • Gives him.alot of motivation, which is key, bootcamp sucks, but its easier when u have a supportive wife and a family that loves you, itll be harder to do so with a baby on the way.. But show ur sadness in small amounts, he may be actin excited right now, but when he gets there thatll change.. dont stress urself out as well as him, itll go by faster than u think.. Hang in there.. :) im sure if that baby could talk theyd be pretty proud of their dad, n u should too..! :) give him thx for what hes doin.. Im a veteran myself.. Good luck!
  • I understand how you feel! My hubby leaves the 8th. Immediately after basic he has a 3 month technical school with no break in between. We have 4 year old twins and I'm 14 weeks, he'll be back July 20 and I'm due September 2. I don't know how I'm going to survive.
  • @xxzincxx thanks ill try not to look so upset but its hard cuz im soooooo soooo sooo emotional I cry just thinking about it. But we will do it and make it cuz we're strong.

    @maranda3 my boyfriends in the navy he leaves for basic comes hom may 20th for maybr 10 days top and goes to A school to be a combat medic. What branch is your man in?
    I dont know how im ganna handle it either but us women are strong we can do it....hopefully without too much crying lol
    Just stay strong.
  • @Babymamma18 he's going into the air force. I'm trying to be strong, but he's still here and I find myself unable to sleep and just watch him sleep and cry. I'm gonna miss him so much! He's been my rock for 8 years, it's not gonna be an easy trip. But, it's his dream come true, so it's worth it.
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