#3... baby shower?

This is my 3rd pregnancy, as well as my 3rd baby. My first two are 15 months apart, opposite sex. But my youngest is almost 5 yrs old. I sold a lot of my baby items last yr thinking I wasn't sure id we would have more any time soon. A friend mentioned a baby shower... what do you think about that? My mom, who never had a baby shower, says I don,t need any.


  • This is my third thinking of having a baby shower again my circumstances are a lil different. But for you I would defiantly have one. 5 years is along time they have new stuff and even gift cards clothes and diapers will help.
  • Yes, I would def have one. I am pregnant with my second, the first one will be 6, or almost 6 when this one is born... They have the same due date :) I am having a baby shower because its been so long and I literally have NOTHING... I bought a few things already, and I can't wait for rummage sales!!!!
  • Well my sister had four so I say if people will come and ya need the stuff why not even if ya don't get a lot you still have lots of fun
  • I think u should have a baby shower for each baby the shower is for the baby not the mom
  • Thanks! I think its best to celebrate every baby. One way or another. Either before or after the birth. And I am a survivor of colon cancer that showed its ugly face 24 wks into pregnancy #2. So this baby is the the ultimate celebration
  • Thanks! I think its best to celebrate every baby. One way or another. Either before or after the birth. And I am a survivor of colon cancer that showed its ugly face 24 wks into pregnancy #2. So this baby is the the ultimate celebration
  • In my family u get a shower for every baby bot just the first. I say go for it! This is my 4th and though I am only 8 weeks my sister is already talking about a shower lol.
  • This Is my third. I thought I was done after my second. I too got rid of most my stuff. This one is a surprise and though my second will only be 3 almost to the day when this one comes. My friend really wants to throw me a shower. I say what the heck? I need stuff and they are fun! If it's been that long for you I say do it for sure! Plus we're providing good food and fun! Not like were torturing people and strealing their wallets! It's our friends who want to be a part.
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