done venting.....



  • Oh lovely. So then what was the point of this one?
  • @firstmama I LOVE me some Tyrese!! I thought i was the only one in the world, now i got sum competition LOL!!!!!!
  • @firstmama haha u are a nerd :D giggle

    @sara102011 I'm pretty positive its pregnancy hormones.... no big deal just let her get it out, which she did.. and is clearly fine now... sometimes we all have a moment of weakness
  • If u would scroll up and read u will see this is the same post. Thanks
  • She posted it to chat, idk y ur trying to get ppl goin
  • @heatherstarr11 Yeah I know, but I thought that some said that they couldn't find the pic on World Star Hiphop
  • @lovelymom23: girl I been on him since that first pepsi commercial. The contrast between his bittersweet chocolate perfect no acne skin, and his winter snow white teeth. Hmm hmm hmmm. Let me stop b4 my bd see me over here gettin bothered n try to start something I can't finish. The other day his " I don't want no body else " video came on where he started rappin, I almost started a wave pool in my livinroom
  • Chris brown <3!!!!! Lol
  • @Tootie08
    idk??? I haven't actually went and looked for it hahaha. The last thing I care to see is a man's penis. Guys disgust me right now.
  • Oh lol @Tootie08 u had us all confused.....ur naughty you checked it out ;)
  • R any of yall on Twitter?
  • No only fb for me. I don't understand twitter lol
  • @firstmama I'm not a big fan of Chris Brown either but I was curious about

    @coolbabybeans Lol, I promise I didn't
  • Sorry fb only for me too. :(
  • @firstmama LMAO!!!! My fav. video is Why you Gonna act Like that... The singing and his body made me fall for him even more!!! I love me a chocolate man ( i also have him as a screensaver, bad I know!!)
  • edited March 2011
    Oh. I did read. And it started with you complainin about people not likin what you had to i wrong about that? I'm not trying to argue. I was just saying something about posts being started to complain about another post. Sorry for thinking the othet post was closed. My bad. I have never seen anyone start a post to complain about another one still open. Thanks
  • Lol its easy. Just like texting
  • Lol! You girls are a riot! @tootie08 you make me laugh hardcore! Hahahaha! :p
  • @heatherstarr11 lmao I kno. I cnt help it
  • @jazzi89 I'm not tryin to start n e thing. My statement was valid. Sorry YOU don't like what i have to say. Hmmm kinda funny that's what this all started about.
  • edited March 2011
  • Lol twitter seems like stalker central everyone telling the wrld what they r doin at every moment
  • @lynn I didn't mind what u had to say I just can't stand drama. Didn't mean to come off that way
  • @jazzi89 facebook seems to be the same way people posting about their lives every 5 minutes lol
  • Ya idk if I like fb entirely. I jst got an acct last month some ppl r crazy on it
  • @lovelymom23 love that one too. N signs of love makin. I actually wanted to beat the girl down in tht video. How dare she roll round wit my man lmao
  • @jazzi no harm hun. Facebook is filled with drama. Twitter is dumb but its pretty cool.
  • @jazzi89 its all good. I'm drama free. Thus is the most interaction I've had with this many females since high school lol
  • Lol @sara. Ya me too I literally have one gf n I've known her fr 2yrs befre that it was all guys. I just don't connect with girls. Hmm @lynn ill have to see what twitter is like
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