Sex question, little cuts "down there"

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I dunno if this is due to the fact that my bd is uhmmm well off or maybe..i just.dont have sex alot (i think I do..) But most times after intercourse, the skin between my vjay and b-hole (sry) rips a little. Causing a paper cut like tear. O gosh it hurts so bad. the pain goes away after an hour or so but I can still feel it when I wipe, owwie. My question is does this happen to anyone else, am I just weird aaand does anyone know any remedies cuz this crap hurts.
Yea not related to pregnancy blah blah blah, like im not aware of the subject of my own question. But I figure most of my ladies on here are soo not virgins and we talk about some intimate stuff sooo I hope you all dont mind me sharing and sharing ur stories with me. Vio con dios <3


  • I know what your talking about and it occasionally will happen to me to, more so if I'm not as wet down there.. So don't worry your definitely not alone
  • Maybe some 4 play before hand to loosen things up and some lube....sorry its kinda vulgar
  • @coolbabybeans thank u ill have to mention that fourplay to my boyfriend lol
  • Lol....its for your health
  • Oh, I get that sometimes, too. It is horrible. Have to lean forward when you pee so it doesn't get on it and blot dry so you don't rub it in.

    I think some positions put too much friction or pull that delicate skin. Like if you have your ankles in his shoulders and he is going to town. I sometimes have to remind him to slow down.
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  • That happened to me in the past, make sure u have a lot of lube
  • @jwigs u hit the nail on the head lol on the goin to town bit. Ok so ladies in wondering if I start using lube, will it stop happening?
  • kinda off the subject, but is it safe to use KY yours&mine while you're pregnant?
  • Is that the fourplay one on the during sex one? They have a ours and mine for fourplay too, its strawberry and chocolate. I have it but only used it twice. Ya kno the whole quesy preggo crap. But anyways, good question. I think ill google it...
  • Im not a lube expert but I think it should be fine. Doc uses lube to check up there dont he?
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  • Omg I hate when that happens but I noticed it happens when am not lube enough down and am not relaxed their so we tried some lube and its working fine and also some fooling around more
  • @almost4 hahahaa omg I am so gonna have to try both. Esp the like a virgin, after I push this baby out. The silky stuff sounds good...
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  • Oh I had one a couple weeks ago! I don't know what it was. It hurt when I would pee (tmi) but I Just put neosporin on it and it was fine!
  • Omg I thought I was tha only one I never wanted to say nuthin cause I thought it was embarrassing goin otha bathroom rite after was hard for me cause it wuld hurt
  • I hate sticky lube! I got this hemp lube once but it was so thick and sticky I never used it. What a waste.

    I used to have problems drying up. I don't know why I don't so much anymore. Sure I just jinxed myself, though.
  • That happens to me a lot too! And its so uncomfortable cuz when u pee it burns so bad, and I start thinking to myself.....if a little penis does this to me then what can I expect with a baby! I'm terrified of giving natural birth cause I'm scared of how badly ripped I might end up down there. Anyone scared about the same thing? Its my first baby and i m seriously considering csection to avoid this....
  • Yeah im scurred about that too.. I dont think theres much we can do to avoid it..@new_momma I read that thats the best treatment for the tears down there. Neosporin is literally magical ;)
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  • They had to cut me down there when I had my son so I would rip n with my lil gurl they didnt cut me down there n I didnt rip
  • Ouch I hate it its like a rug burn down there! Lol.
  • They say don't use lube just use spit. Iknw it sounds gross but that's what a lot of porn stars say. Lmao and it could be from if he is going to hard and u go dry and he is still going. Just tell him to pull out and spit on his winkie and ur vajayjay
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