i have a tmi ? for all you freaky mommys out there ;)

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
My husband swears that butt sex will help with my horrible constapation...is he just trying to get some back door action? Lmao


  • But he could be right ;)
  • Hahahaha omg i always thought it backs you up worse! Well maybe we will try after work thanks @Shae!
  • I've never done it, but yes I heard from other people who have that it does. Kinda tmi lol but to each their own so idc if someone tells me about it.

    Btw, in a related topic, have you ever seen Zack and Miri Make A Porno? Lol.
  • Lol! What a guy! I think there are lots of other things to help with constipation lol but if you are comfortable with it than he's probably right anal stimulation does cause you to want to go
  • Lmao ive never tried full on anal sex just fingers & toys things like that but im interestef just didnt know if it was safe .... So if it helps with constipation let me know,lol
  • Dont do it! Makes your butt sore to poop so pushing out constipation is ten times worse.

    My husband and I already tried. Lol
  • HAHAHAHAHA i LOVE this i say i have a question for freaky mommys and in like a min i have 5 notifacations! I will let everyone know how it went :)
  • Damn @NewMommy_NavyWife i was about to go tell him he could hit it tonight :( i was excited Lmao!
  • Don't forget your lube or you will cry lol , I prefer fingers as the actual thing hurts too much and you have a very amusing walk after LOL
  • edited March 2011
    Lol nah I didn't like it at all...prior to pregnancy it was bliss but now it feels likes he is compacting the poop deeper in my already constipated body. Lol
  • Ohh ive done it before with him but i wasnt constapated at the time lol i like the fingers also but if he puts it in my butt i need a vib in my front i know i know tmi lol
  • Omg, it seriously must be a man thing, cuz mine said the same thing! I have my hubby on, once a year ill let him lol! But I just skip my prenatal vitamins a day, and eat some high fiber cereal, and say no way! Lol
  • Lol! Yes it does help. But that could be a mess waiting to happen. I've heard horror stories.
    We used to do it regularly but now that I'm pregnant it kinda hurts. And its harder for me to relax my muscles.
  • Ahahaha...@NewMommy_NavyWife you are def hilarious! Ugh lol we will see what happens...ive always had a problem going tho so idk...
  • Ewwwwwww...@duskbydawn lol i never thought about it being messy oh no.....i think when we get home from work im just going to go to sleep :(
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  • edited March 2011
    Good luck.i hope your outcome is better than mine! Lol
  • @chels

    Agreed you def gotta have something going on at the front lol, I struggle too poop aswell it makes me feel I need to but never makes me go! I just worry ill make a mess how embarrassing would that be!
  • @navywife thats not gross at all, we are all adults....well most of us lol i prefer if i need an enema to do it myself lol it woul d be a little awakward for him to do it :) thanks for you story tho!
  • Aww navywife sorry To hear that. That's horrible! It effects everyone different.

    Not sure if being pregnant would be the best time to first try it. Not going to lie. It takes so Getting used to. Just like first ever having sex. Its Kinda hard to.
  • Exscuse the graphic words!

    Is any one else worried about there partner letting go in there bum with out a condom? Or found it okay?
  • Thanks @NewMommy_NavyWife :)
    Yes you def do lol @cherry_bump! My dr. Said to use miralax but it doesnt work :( i love all you freaky mommys you make me feel less of a weirdo or horndog :)
  • @Chels it worked for me....I was constipated and I put my foot down and told my husband I wanted anal, so we did it...it was kind of weird at first but a few hrs after sex I was able to go. Now every time I feel a lil backed up I try to rape my husband lol
  • you are not alone in the freaky area....i didn't get on this app from knitting blankets lol if you know what I mean!
  • @cherry_bump my husband does...i'd rather he do that than pull out and try to stick it somewhere else
  • @cherry_bump im not worried about it im having his baby lol anywho i have a story about butt sex!
    So me and my ex were doing it w/a condom when he finished we were like okay where did the condom go....so we are looking all over the place and couldnt find it so im getting dressed i bend over to pick up my underwear and he is like um babe i found the condom its hanging out of your butt LMAO
  • My sister went into labor having anal during pregnancy #1. She was due so she was thrilled! Tried again with baby #2 and ta da!! She went into labor
  • edited March 2011
  • Lmao it jus might help! I've been trying to find a cure for this constipation lol he may be on to something
  • Haha it was so funny i will never forget that! Oh and one time we did it again with handcuffs and lost the keys i was so mad he lost them and then found them like 3 hours later!
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