Ahhh the dreaded 2ww

edited March 2011 in Trying to conceive
So my ovulaion day ends today & I am now on the dreaded 2ww (two week wait) I thought I was prego last mth cause my pd was weird. But we'll c. Oh & my bf wants 2 keep ttc so im happy about that :) who else is waiting 2 test or on theyre 2ww 4 af 4 the 19th? I need a waiting buddy lol


  • Hey girl... me me me me!!!! From the mydays app, its says that my ovulation should be tomorrow. So we have been trying really hard the last couple of days and will continue. My af should be here on the 20th.... As I posted on another thread, my MIL comes in town on the 14th through the 22nd so we are hoping to tell her the good news.... We can keep track of any symptoms, feelings, anything.... you can email me anytime. nicole.tribbett@gmail.com!!!
  • Hey hey. I will def email u. Or do u have any kind of messenger tht wld b easier :) u shld bd today tomorrow & the day after 4 better results. Were u using opks or just assuming ur ovulating? Tht wld b a nice surprise 4 ur MIL.
  • Honestly i haven't used anything to track it besides mydays.... its a great app that shows when your expected ov day is and then the highest fertility days are. problem is i work a TON so trying to fit in some quality "us" time gets difficult. I have google talk but that's really the only one I use. Im totally psyched that we can go through this time period together - we would have babies due on the same time too! How fun! My name is Nicole btw - live here in sunny Florida, gonna be 32 this year so Im ready to knock out this last pregnancy! How about you....
  • Yea me either. Ive been using mydays app 4 about a mthbeen ttc for about 3mths. & is google tlk the same as gtalk? Cause I have tht my sn is soannalewis@gmail.com add me :) & my name is So'anna I live in the cold in Ct lol im going to be 22 soon & im rdy 2 b prego. :)
  • wow - yeah its definitely cold there! I was 22 when i gave birth to my first! Its a good age, young momma! wait... is your last name Lewis?
  • Nice! & yea my last name is Lewis. I accepted u on gtalk. Tlk 2 u there :)
  • @purple89 I am expecting AF on the 14th, but we are waiting to test until I am at least five days late, just in case (my aunt can be kind of funny). ;-) I'll be in the same boat at you! We are both really excited.
  • Cool. We should keep in contact. do u have any kind of messenger?
  • @purple89 I do not but when I get home I can give you my e-mail. Inboxing me on here works, too! :) As soon as I get my new, faster laptop I am downloading Skype and Yahoo! Messenger. Birthday present to myself this month (and hopefully celebrating my first pregnancy, too!)
  • Ok cool. My email is soanna2007@yahoo.com
  • I'm on the 2ww also!!! I have to wait till the 22nd. Good luck to you all!!!
  • @candace we shld keep in touch. Mine is due the 19th
  • @purple89 that would be great!! Is this your first? How old are you? I'm 22.
  • Yes. Im 21. 22 in may. Do u have messenger
  • I don't :( only facebook...how about you?
  • @candace42 add me on fb. @fingerscrossed u 2. soanna2007@yahoo.com
  • You ladies can add me on facebook too - @nkpickering I at one time had it blocked so if it doesn't show up, let me know.
  • @purple89 - i found you girlie... yay
  • @ready4number3 yay I added ya :) how u feeling?
  • Im feeling okay. Nothing much to report besides some light cramping and emotionalness and irritability. I had these symptoms last month though so I'm trying to not think too much about it... what about you?
  • Only 8 more days. Hoping this fatigue is more BFP related than AF!
  • Yay. Gettin closer :) ur pd is due earlier in the wk right?
  • Careful using apps ttc!!! My ovulation is apparently only a few days before my regular period! My "period" (imp bleeding) was only a week late, which is why I wasn't aware of my being pregnant til I was nearly out of my first trimester.
  • Yea. Thts y I have sex everyday or every other day. Lol
  • @purple89 Yeah, I have 3 more days, unless she tries to come early.

    @mythica Agreed. I generally have an irregular period, so the fiance and I use ovulation charts as more of a guide while TTC every few days. Since sperm can live for a few days in the female body, this seems to be the best choice for us.
  • I hate waiting for AF or a BFP....! The two week wait is so hard:O
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