first time mommies??



  • Is 6w to early for rib pain ???
  • @hope2bAmom29.. im just one day ahead of u :) I hope that all goes well and your a mommy!! I have boon pain, nausea and back pain and extremely tired all the time
  • So excited, I'm 26, my first, and have gotten over a lot of ms will be 10w tomorrow.
  • Well congrats! !

  • I'm 20yrs. & I'm 13weeks pregnant. My due date is Sept.11th. I'm hoping for a girl & BD is Ofcourse hoping for a boy
  • edited March 2011
    I'm a first time mommy too. This is actually my first time pregnant as well :D I've been married 5 months to my wonderful husband. He's already got 3 kids, two girls and a boy. We're hoping for a boy, but I'll be just as ecstatic if I get a little princess :) I'm 19 and my husband is 39. 13 weeks pregnant!
  • I'm 21 now I'm 18 w 4 d by the tim I have my baby ill b 22 its my first one so ur def. Not alone
  • This is my first. Im 19 and almost 5w. Having really bad pain in my lower abdomen like cramps. Me and my fiance have been together 4 years.
  • I'm expecting my first baby. I'm 13 1/2 weeks and 20 years old. I've been neasous most of this pregnancy and have had back pain. I'm so happy to be this far along and have a healthy baby because I had a miscarriage 7 months ago. My husband and I have been together for two years.
  • I'm 19 years old ill be 20 next month the 10th but I find out the sex on the 14th of next month so its like eff my bday! I'm 13 wks and 1 day due 9-9-11 my bd is 20.. he's nervous as hell as am I.. he want a baby boy I wana give my mom her 1st grand daughter!
  • This is my first and I'm really anxious now. My little Carter is due May 6th!
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